Chapter 1- First day of school

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"SHIT SHIT SHIT" Alfred said as he got out of his bed, almost tripping on his pile dirty clothes on the way to the bathroom. After quickly taking a shower  he sighed," Dammit I'm late..." he muttered as he put on his shirt and walked downstairs, feeling defeated.

"Why did you steal my alarm clock Matt?!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. "I-I didn't mean to...I-I'm sorry..." Matthew whimpered as he began to pout, his eyes glistening signaling he was about to cry. Alfred sighed and hugged his brother to comfort him "Don't let it happen again please?"

"Promise" he said putting a little smile across his face and wiping away his tears. Alfred looked at the clock and said "dammit.. I have to go to school cya bro!" Alfred said as he ran out the door "Bye bro!" Matthew said as he was waving goodbye to his older brother.

-----England's first day of school----
Arthur got out of bed, took in a deep breathe and jumped out of his bed and got dressed, did his hair, and all the other things you do in the morning. "Perfect timing" he said to himself as he walked out the door and looked at his watch.

As he was walking he looked down at his watch and realized that he was late..he was shocked because he was always was on time. "This can't be happening..I'm always on time! How did this happen..?" He said as he put a frown on his face and walked a little slower."Well I might as well run to school I don't wanna be even later.." he said as he picked up his pace and started running.

Little did he know he was gonna meet the love of his life.


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