steve harrington || imagine

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prompt: meeting steve in detention

Y/N pop

I wander the empty halls my feet dragging against the tiles. The light bounces of the walls and I hum a random tune. Passing by the endless lockers and classrooms, I turn left and head towards A3. The room that I might as well call my second home. 

My bag hangs loosely on my shoulder as I open the door with a sign reading 'A3'. "Ah, Ms. (y/l/n), I see you decided to make an appearance." My dickhead science teacher spoke.

His bright green shirt irked me. It looked as if he chose to wear that outfit for the soul purpose of annoying me. He wore a permanent scowl on his face which only increased his wrinkles. Mr K always had a handkerchief in his pocket to wipe away his sweat. Even in Winter and the old man was sweating. I'm no role model student but I have no clue what I did to deserve that brainless teacher in my life.

"Wouldn't want to miss detention for the world, sir." I spoke, sarcasm dripping from each words. Spotting an empty desk, I stride over and dump my backpack on the ground. I drop into the plastic blue chair and slump into it. The rest of the room is silent as I get into a comfortable position in my seat.

"Okay," Mr K begins, "Now that everyone is here." He finished nodding towards me. A smile spreads across my face and I give a gracious wave to the other students in the room. Some of the kids giggle at my exaggerated movements.

Glancing around the room I make eye contact with a boy. A boy with glorious hair I might add. My lips turn into a smirk as I eye the good looking fellow. Mouthing the words 'kill me now' as sir goes through the list of endless rules. The boy chuckles and I turn my attention back onto my favorite teacher.

"No talking. No getting up from your tables. And no leaving the detention room." Mr K reads from the list. Glancing at the clock I watch it tick by. "Detention begins now."

I twirl my pen around my fingers in boredom. They give out a sheet in which you have to copy but I can never be bothered to write a word. What are they going to do? Give me another detention? Deciding that staring into space would be a much better time waster, I stare at the ceiling.

Mr K gets up from his desk at the front of the classroom and proceeds to leave, muttering a quick 'I won't be long.' The students eye one another, our look glazed with confusion. Taking this as an opportunity to have a break from our silence the other students begin to chat. However, I take this as my cue to stand up and stretch my muscles. Kinda defeats the purpose of having 'rules' in detention when the supervisor of detention leaves halfway.
Typical Mr K.

Stamping my black boots, I walk over to the teacher's desk and slump into the much comfier chair. The teachers always have better chairs than students. I say its unfair but my dad disagrees. I call bullshit as he is a teacher himself at the Hawkins Middle School. I rest my feet onto Mr. K's desk, pursing my lips. "I don't believe I caught your name." The boy from earlier speaks.

Looking up I flick my hair across my shoulder. "I didn't throw it." His playful smirk drops and for a second I see him flustered. Slight victory grows in me at seeing the boy wide eyed. Quickly gathering his coolness, he leans onto the teacher's desk and his smirk once again is plastered onto his face. "Why you in detention pretty boy?" I ask, adding in the ridiculous nickname.

He squints his eyes at me, obviously offended by his new nickname. Clearing his throat he opens his mouth to speak, "Mrs. Marston doesn't like it when you talk back to her."

"Noted." I nod.

"What about you. Why you here in detention?" He questions.

"Got caught skipping class to smoke cigarettes." I stretch my arms back and place them behind my head.

"Oh, sorry bad girl." The boy jokes. I roll my eyes at his nickname for me. "Although I will say, caught skipping? Skipping is very easy how did you get caught?" He speaks in an undeniable flirtatious tone.

I raise my eyebrow at the kid infront of me. "So skipping is just a walk in the park for you?"

"You could say." He runs his hand through his brunette hair and I can't help but wonder what it feels like. I bet it feels soft.

"Alright, go on. Show me how it's done." I challenge.

He extends his hands and gestures for me to take it. Arching an eyebrow I place my hand into his big hand. He whips his head around. "Challenge accepted." Scoffing, I lift myself up from the chair to look at the kids. The other students are talking, some are doing homework and others are sleeping. I turn around to look at the clock again and notice we still have 45 more minutes in this god awful room.

Judging by how long Mr K is taking, I assume he won't be back anytime soon. Even if he does come back and notice our disappearance, whats he going to do? Heck, if he gives us another deletion after school he'll be the one to stay back and supervise us. Who knows, I might just skip that detention as well. I have nothing to lose.

I stare back at the boy in front of me and he gives me a nod as an indication of 'you ready?'. I smile and bounce my head up and down. He bolts to the door, tugging me behind him. My feet slap against the floor, creating an echo sound. Laughs emit from our mouths at our rebellious teen behaviour. His hand squeezes mine as we sprint through the hallways.

Running straight for the exit we don't slow down until we leave school grounds. The Winter air nips at my bare skin but is rather nice. The breathe of fresh air in our lungs is a hell of a lot better than the stuffy air in A3. "So what do you think bad girl? Did I teach you how to skip?" He bends over and tried to play it cool whilst catching his breath.

Biting my lip, I tuck my loose strands of hair behind my ear. "I'll admit," I laugh out of breath, "You've impressed me pretty boy." I nudge his shoulder. We continue walking down the path, talking and laughing.

"Oh!" an idea pops into my head, "Can I touch your hair?" I inquire.

He looks at me for a second, probably confused at my bold question. The cute boy blinks before bending down to my height so I can play with his hair. I run my hands through his soft locks and smile. "Your hair is fabulous. Must teach me your secret hair tricks" I joke.

"Oh shut up." He smiles ruffling his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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