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Sting's POV

It has been two months since we finished rebuilding Fiore from the destruction that Tartarus caused. And since Porlyusica finished treating Minerva. Through out that time, I have not left Minerva's side unless necessary. She acts as though she's annoyed by it. Though when it is just us, she clings to me.

I feel honored on how she has opened herself to me. The many times when I had wondered what was hidden within her mind. To now, when the both of us share all our secrets. With her, there is liberation, as I know our demons match well. Her fears of being alone, vanquished by my presence. While my fears of not being enough, disappear with her quiet, loving whispers.

The guild welcomed back their princess with open arms. We rejoiced at her return. Feasts lasting for five days, and parties lasting into the next day. Even the Fairy Tail mages returned home on the third day. I smiled as I remembered the brief moment of tears falling from Minerva's eyes.

"What are you smiling about?" Questioned Minerva, as she glared at me with suspicion. She was standing in the open doorway of my office. Her fists on her hips. I chuckled before getting up from behind my desk to pull her into my office. Making sure to close the door.

"You." I replied simply as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She placed her arms around my neck, her face blushing bright red.

"Master Sting, is this really appropriate? I came here to tell you about something important." She informed me as she leaned in a bit closer. Fluttering her dark lashes at me.

"Tell me now. So I can steal a kiss without too much guilt." I told her, and she laughed before she closed the distance. Her lips were soft and gentle against mine. Then she nipped at my bottom lip, making sure to lick my lips. That was when she swiftly escaped my grasp.

"Fairy Tail has been disbanded." She said her seductive smile fading into a frown.

"What?" Was the only thing that came into my mind. She turned away from me, as she began to pull at her bottom lip.

"Master Makarov has disbanded Fairy Tail for the moment, indefinitely." Minerva answered as she began to pace around my office.

"This may disrupt the normal distribution of requests. Though the thing that troubles me is... Why so suddenly?" I wondered aloud and Minerva turned to look at me.

"I don't know, but it worries me." She said as she continued to pull at her lip. I stepped forward grasping her hand. Then pulled her into my arms.

"I have doubts that this is the end of Fairy Tail. They will return." I kissed the top of her head, as she hugged me.

"What do think will happen to all my ships?" Jackal asked from where he was leaned against the wall. Minerva let go of me before racing at Jackal. He escaped just before she had his throat.

"What the hell is up with you and boats?!" Minerva asked as she chanced after him. Though the size of my office limited Jackal's survival rate.

"Not BOATS, SHIPS! Like my OTPS, nalu, gruvia, fraxus, and gajevy? They were just about to become canon! I SWEAR!" He raged as he ran, that was when she caught him. She grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him to the door. The she opened the door, threw him out, and slammed it close.

"I don't understand what he says anymore with his constant 'I SHIP it' and 'SHIPPING THAT so HARD'. What does that even mean?!" She demanded as she wrapped herself around me. Though I could see how she was fixing the mess around my office.

"Well, from what Mira Jane said, it's about--" she interrupted me with her kiss. She pulled back to stare at me briefly.

"Maybe we can talk about that later. For now let's just be together." She said as she pulled me for another kiss. To which I did not attempt to escape.

That was when someone decided to knock. We groaned before she stepped back, and I opened my office door. There, in my doorway, stood Natsu. His grin a bit tired, but still there. Happy was flying behind him, looking slightly grim.

"I need you to give something to Lucy." He said, and I felt my eyes widen.

"Isn't she your girlfriend? Why can't you give it to her?" I asked, befuddled by the sudden request.

"Because I wont be able to look at her when I hand her this note." He said as he handed me a small piece of paper. It was a horribly written letter. The font was barely legible. I squirted as I read it aloud.

"Luce, I'm leavin and I don' no when I wil return. I hav thot it out, and have mad up my mind. I will find Aquarius's key. Once I find it, I wil return. Til then, I love you Lucy." I finished, and looked at Natsu's slightly red face.

"I'm telling you as your friend, a girl, and a fellow mage. Don't do this, take her with you." Minerva told him, and he shook his head.

"With this last battle, I saw something that I'd never seen from Lucy before. She is much stronger than she shows. I think I'm holding her back. And to add to that, I am responsible for her losing Aquarius. This is not really for me, it's for her. I have to make up for what I've done." He clarified, and I felt my lips curl into a frown. I looked to Minerva and she was just shaking her head. Then she stomped over to me and tore the note from my hand.

"If you're gonna leave," she handed Natsu the note. "at least have the decency to say goodbye."

He looked at the note before turning, and leaving. I knew what he was going to do, and didn't agree with his thoughts at all.

"Coward. Lucy-san is going to be devastated." Minerva muttered under her breath.

"Well at least we know Fairy Tail will return." I muttered.

Minerva looked at me with questions in her eyes.

"Those two love each other, and they love that guild. There is no way they would let it die." I said as I pulled Minerva to me again.

"We'll just have to wait and see." She responded.

I looked at my desk, realizing I had finished working just as Minerva came in.

"Wanna go eat?" I asked, and I felt Minerva laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" I questioned as she continued to giggle.

"You." And I felt my lips curl into a smile. I lifted Minerva's chin till we were eye to eye.

"I know it's really early to say this, but I've felt and known it for a while. I love you." That was when she stopped laughing and I felt my heart begin to speed up, as my blood chilled. She kept herself wrapped around me in silence for a moment before she looked at me. Her eyes were wide, and vulnerable.

"Sting, out of all the people. I have been hurt by those whom I was supposed to trust the most. But with you, that's different. I know in my heart you wouldn't ever hurt me. Not even if you wanted to. And I just want to say that I've loved you for all the kindness you have shared with me. And I hope to keep loving you forever." She whispered to me, her eyes becoming more teary as she spoke. Till there were tears streaming down her face, and a bright smile etched on her face. My heart was still pounding, but from happiness instead.

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