chapter 1

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The bell rang a few minutes ago and the last people walked out of the building, so I decided it was safe to come out. I walked to my locker and put in the combination I don't really know. I was about to grab my backpack when a hand shut my locker just barely giving me enough time to pull my hand out.

"Hey Marcy." The person said as I was slammed into the lockers. I knew the high-pitch voice anywhere. It was Louis and no doubt his mates were with him. You see I'm the nerd everyone picks on. Its mostly just name-calling except when it came to the football team.

I ignored him though, you see Marcy or Marcel is a name Louis gave me in 9th grade because Harry wasn't a nerdy enough name for me so he told everyone my name was Marcel. I doubt anyone even remembers my name is Harry except for Leeroy.

"Answer me." Louis growled pushing me harder into the lockers. "Is he mute? He never talks anyway. We probably don't want to hear his voice it's probably all high, nasally, and obnoxious." Zayn said. If only they knew how deep my voice really is.

Zayn was Louis' best mate and the second worst of the gang. Then there is Jason, Luke, and um...Josh. You could say we used to know each other. I didn't even want him to know it was me. Josh and Luke are never in on the physical beatings with the rest of them. They always look at me with sorrow and guilt in their eyes.

I was looking around to see if there was any escape, but before I could even blink Louis punched me in the stomach making e fall to the ground. Zayn was stepping on my throat, making it harder to breath. They're going to kill me one of these days, not that I would mind very much.

"Hey Marcel why don't you go do us all a favor and kill yourself already. You're just a waste of space." Then he lifted me up and slammed me into the lockers again. He punched me in the gut and pushed me to Jason. He had an evil smirk on his face and kicked me in the groin. I leaned over, which was a mistake. He kneed me in the face and I fell.

I watched as they all left but Louis when Zayn said "He's all yours Lou". I was barely conscious, I made myself blackout so I don't have to deal with their shit longer than I have too, but before I blacked I looked into his beautiful blue eye's that held hatred and something else. Regret? Guilt? I didn't have time to figure it out before it all went black. But it couldn't be I'm just seeing things, right?


I was walking home from Josh's house, through the ally like I always did, when I heard footsteps. "Hello, curly." Who said that? I turned, but no one was there. I turned and there guy in that looked to be in his 20's standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked. He just chuckled and walked towards me.

"What's your name?"

"H-Harry." I said walking backwards.

"How old are you?" he said pressing me to the wall behind me.

"F-fourteen." I stuttered.

"You're very attractive for fourteen, very fit too. You look at least 16 maybe 17." He whispered in my ear. He started kissing down my neck and pinned my wrists to the wall. "But that's okay, I like them young, always so tight." he said and unbuttoned my pants.

"L-Let me go! Someone help!" I screamed, but he put a gag in my mouth.

"Sh, Sh it will be okay, this will be much easier for both of us if you don't fight." He said rolling his hips onto mine.

"Your mine now Harry." The man said and started to unbutton my shirt. I tried to block everything out, there's no way I was getting out of this.

"All." he started taking his clothes off. I tried to run, but he grabbed me and threw me on the ground. The man moved his hand from my thigh moving it upwards. "No! No, stop! Please!" I said, but it was muffled by the gag. I tried crawling away from him, but my back hit the wall. "Mine." he started to strip me down until I was naked.

End of flashback

And I woke up.

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