chapter 2

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Harry woke up to see he was still in the hallway. The lights were off and it was dark outside. He took his phone out of his pocket and saw it was 8. 'Dang it, I'm probably locked in.' he thought. He sighed and got up, looking for a way out. He tried 4 different doors until the fourth one opened. He walked out the door and the chilly Doncaster air hit his face making him shiver. He walked with his head down as he went through ally and vacant parking lots to get to his house. Not the most safe thing to do, but he didn't care, he was cold and wanted to get home before his mum freaked out.

He took his pack of cigarettes out and out on in his mouth. Yes, the nerd of all people smokes. He doesn't do it often only when he's stressed and he is definitely stressed. He was walking along and didn't hear the footsteps behind him until they were right behind him, but he didn't turn around. Why would he, if he was going to die the person would have stabbed him or shot him and if they were going to mug him he would of already been beaten.

"Hey there." Someone breathed down his neck, but he made no sign of acknowledgement, he just kept walking through the ally.

"Harry, look at me." He knows the voice, but he isn't going to turn around, they ruined his life.

"Harry for fuck sake look at me."

"What do you want Eli?" he asked turning around. He couldn't believe the resemblance between them, they could be triplets. All three of them look so much alike, he wouldn't be surprised if they were all related. They probably are they certainly enjoy making his life suck, but Eli is older than him by years and who knows how old the other one is by now.

"You know what I want." 

"No, how many times do I need to tell you?"

"I was drunk, I'm sorry." He pleaded, but he rolled his eyes and walked away. After that he all, but ran to his house.

"Harry, is that you?" his mom, Anne, called.

"Yeah, sorry I was out with Lee." he lied. He used to hate lying, especially to her and Gem, but now it's like he can't stop lying.

"Okay, next time just tell me okay hun?" she asked and kissed his cheek. He gave her an 'okay' and headed up to his room. He walked into the bathroom that was connected to his room and stripped from his clothes. He hopped into the shower, letting the steaming hot water pelt my skin. He sighed before putting his strawberry shampoo and conditioner in. He knows it isn't very manly, but it smells amazing and makes his curls more manageable, it's a win win. He washed his body before he got out and dried off. He looked at his body in the mirror. Scars littered his body, most from the beatings he gets, a few from the time he self harmed when he was 14, never again though.

He hung his towel up and headed into his room. He locked the door before grabbing his backpack and got under the covers. Yes, he does pretty much everything naked when he is in his room or when he is home alone. He did his homework in about 20 minutes then decided to just go to sleep.


He woke up to Ed Sheeran's Lego House playing through his phone. He hit the dismiss button and got up hissing at the cold feeling of his room in the morning. He got up and dressed in his school uniform and slicked back his hair. He hates this uniform, but the school is thinking about changing the rule and let students wear what they want so they can express themselves. He doesn't understand why they wouldn't do that in the beginning of the year instead of 2 months into the year, but whatever. He slowly dragged himself down the stairs to see his overly cheerful mother in the kitchen.

"How are you so cheery in the morning?" he asked and she smiled, beamed was more like it.

"Robin and Gemma are both coming home today, Harry!" She said and he perked up. He hasn't seen them in months. Robin was in America for business and had to stay for 5 months and Gemma has been away at college since the beginning of summer even though she didn't have to until August.

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