chapter 9

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Both boys pulled away with different expressions that revolved around shock. Harry was confused. He was confused on why didn’t he push Louis away. He doesn’t think he wanted to kiss Louis.

Louis was just pure shock and happiness. Marcel didn’t push him away instead brought him into an embrace, that had to have meant something didn’t it? Of course it did, Marcel’s never done that before.

“I-I’m sorry.” Harry said, looking into Louis’ eyes sadly.

“Don’t be, just go on a date with me.” Louis said, hope sparking in his ocean blue eyes.

“I can’t.” Harry said. Louis face dropped with hurt then turned into an angry one.

“Yes you can, you don’t kiss someone and give them false hope like that.” Louis yelled.

"Louis." Harry said sadly.

"No, let me talk. I want you Marcel, I really do. I know that you want me to prove myself and I want to, but how can I prove myself if you don't give me the chance to do it?" Louis asked angrily.

"Louis." Harry tried again, but he was interrupted.

"And I know you said that I need to figure out why you ignored me when I bullied you, but how am I supposed to know when you are the one with the reason?"
"Louis can you just listen to me?" Harry asked. Louis stopped waving his arms and stood still.

"Yes?" He asked, hoping Harry changed his mind.

“Listen if we went on a date, who thinks you wouldn’t hate me afterwards?” Harry asked.

“Because I’ve seen you outside of your nerdy act. I’ve seen behind the glasses and I like it. I've seen the real you, well, as much as you've allowed me to see. I like the fighter in you, that you can stand up for yourself. It all I've ever wanted to see from you, I just wanted you to stand up for yourself." Louis said walking towards him.

"Louis even if we did... Go on one date, my friends would expect me to break your heart and I'm just not capable of doing that to someone on purpose." Harry said stepping back.

"Then don't listen to them!" Louis yelled.

"But then they'll be angry at me. Louis how would it look to you if say Zayn was a nerd and he was bullied, then he changed his look, then he went on a date with said bully?" Harry asked.

“I would think the guy was trying to hurt him.” Louis said.

“Exactly.” Harry said.

“Or he had a change of heart.” Louis said. “Come on. Please.” Louis said. Harry hesitated. He kind of wants to know what it would be like to go on a date with Louis. Apparently he only took Josh on many dates during the first year of their relationship and it was all really fancy, not that he would want that of course, but he wants to see where he would take him.

“I’ll make you a promise.” Harry said. “I’ll think about it.” Harry said. Louis smiled and nodded.

"That's all I ask." Louis said and gave Harry's lips a peck. Harry stood there as Louis got in the car. "You coming?" Louis asked and Harry blushed slightly, nodding. Harry ran over the the passenger seat. The car was filled with silence until Louis decided to speak up and ask what’s been on him mind for a while.
“Who’s Eli?” Harry froze in his seat, hoping to the Lord that it was his imagination.

“What?” Harry asked, trying to act as if he didn’t know who Louis was talking about.

“Who’s Eli?” Louis asked again. I heard you talking to the man the other day in the alley. You said something about someone named Eli and he ran away” Louis asked again.

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