Meet My Parents

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"Should we wake them up? We brought lunch", I heard my mom say in the far distance.

"No, we should let them sleep. She must be tired, and he probably wants to spend some time with her", my dad said softly.

"Ok, but I am hungry, and I am going to eat", my dad laughed at my mom. I opened my eyes. Ah yes, home, wonderful. I was still holding Ben's hand, and I felt his soft, peaceful breath against my neck. I squeezed his hand gently.

"Ben?", I whispered, "Ben, wake up", he moved a little and pulled me closer to him, "Lunch is here", I was feeling hungry. He felt me move and got up immediately to help me out. I hugged him, and then he noticed my parents were home. I greeted them both with a big, tight hug. My mom almost cry.

"I am home now, ma. I am fine", I hugged her again, "Mom, dad. This is Benedict my", I stopped for a second to look at Ben, who was smiling, "My boyfriend", I felt weird by saying that - as we both hadn't spend any day together since.

"Nice to meet you Mister-", Ben started as he moved his hand away from mine to shake my dad's, but my dad pulled him in for a hug.

"The pleasure is mine. Call me David, please", my dad said, quite excited. He had seen a movie or two with Ben in them - and also a TV show - and he loved them.

My mom also gave Ben a hug, "We got you lunch", she pointed at the table. I sat down and looked at the food, I think I had a huge smile on my face.

"Oh, finally some nice food. All we ate there was antelope and zebra", they all three looked at me like 'what the fuck'. I laughed as I grabbed my fork and ate the pasta my parents brought. Such a joy, carbonara spaghetti - one of my favorite foods.

"Your dad and I can stay here as long as you need to help you with your healing process, if you'd like", my mom said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, that would be nice", my arm wound started to hurt a little, so I stopped eating for a moment to rest my arm. Ben took my hand.

"Everything ok?", I smiled at him.

"Yeah, just a little pain, but it's fine", everyone seemed so worried about me. My dad started to ask Benedict questions all of a sudden.

"So, are you working with my daughter?", Ben looked at my dad before looking at me and show how pretty smile.

"We worked together for several months, yes"

"I knew she'd date an actor sooner or later", my dad said with a semi-jokingly tone, a smile on his face and blinked an eye to me in approval, making me and Ben laugh, "All I have to say son is, make her happy and everything between you and I will be fine"

"Of course sir, I promise I will make your daughter happy, as she deserves", his sweet smile made me melt inside. There was a small silence, but we all had a smile on our faces.

"Can I say that I like your acting?", my dad blurted.

"Dad", I looked at him, I didn't want him to embarrass himself.

"I saw you in To The Ends Of The Earth, I thought it was really good. With the guy from Jurassic Park, what's his name?"

"Sam Neill", Ben said.

"Yes, him. Well, I really liked the show. Good job, son"

"Thank you sir"

After lunch Ben helped me get to my room.

"What is all this?", I asked, seeing a whole bunch of things on my bed. Flowers, boxes, letters.

"Stuff people sent you, get well wishes and sorts", I walked towards my bed, reading a few letters, and stopping to smell the flowers someone sent me. Most things were sent in by family and friends, but there were also a few fan letters.

"This is nice", I sat down to appreciate the little things in there, and then I saw my night table. I took the stuffed Harrod's bear and a small letter that came with it. It was a card made by my son with a bear drawn in it, which said "Get well" and "I love you mommy". I started to cry. Ben sat at my side and hugged me tight.

"It's alright, you're home", he said softly, placing a soft kiss on my head. Thoughts started to run through my head - if I had died, my kid wouldn't have a mom anymore, and I wouldn't be there to see him grow, to feel proud of him. And at the same time, I was thankful for being alive. I looked at Ben for a moment and smiled, knowing that I was safe with him at my side, and then I kissed him.

My mom came over to my room, breaking our moment, "I am sorry to interrupt you dearies, but I must ask if Benedict is staying for dinner", he looked at me, then back at my mom.

"Um, I... I would love to, yes, thank you", my mom smiled at him and left, "Your parents are nice"

"I guess", I chuckled.

"What about your brother? You never talk about him", I looked away for a moment.

"We rarely talk. He's busy with his kid and his wife; they live in Australia"

"Oh I see"

"But he is a really nice person. I hope you get to meet him someday, you would get along"

"How about we invite them for the holidays? We are two months away, we can fix something up", I smiled at Ben before taking his hand.

"Id' love that! Your family and mine together for Christmas. That sounds great"

"I'll let my parents know"

"Are they back from Italy?", I met Ben's parents several times a few months back, while we were filming. They were adorable and really really nice people.

"Tomorrow morning. How about we go to dinner all of us, tomorrow?"

"That sounds wonderful, yes", he kissed me on the lips.

"I love you, baby"

"Me more", I kissed him again. God knows how much I love him. He's truly wonderful.

I felt nervous about the whole dinner thing for some strange reason, but I was also excited for my parents to meet his. I crossed my fingers, hoping that the evening would go well.

The Actor (Benedict Cumberbatch fan fiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now