Real or not?

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Chapter 2 : Real or not?

I hear voices all around me. They sound all too familiar. My eyes are too heavy too open. My eyelashes feel like chandeliers. Is this heaven? I'm pretty sure I died after what happened. Wait, what did happen? I can't seem to remember a thing. The right side of my head throbs and hurts like crap. This is all too confusing. If this is heaven, then it's not so bad. At least no ones beating me up or kicking me. My thoughts turn to my boyfriend. The last time I saw him was at the bar. I remember getting drunk then him carrying me out to his car, and then... and then what? I groan in frustration and then the voices stop. I think they're angels. Considering i'm in heaven.

"Is she awake?" A deep voice asks. It follows by a petite yet thick voice,

"No,no, she can't be, The conditions are too severe for her case and age." she says. OK, now it's confirmed that I should be in heaven. But i'm not. I repeat that sentence over and over again in my head. Where the hell am I then? Curiosity beats my pain and I force my self to open my eyes. It takes all my muscles and strength just for a peek. My vision is blurred and my eyelids are not fully open so all I see is white then I turn my head to my left and when I see a heart monitor beeping, realization hits me. I'm at the hospital. Wait what? I'm in a fucking hospital?! I wonder what I did to end up here.

" She's opening her eyes, she alive!" the female voice exclaims. Naw dip Sherlock. If you would please look to your left....omigod! There's a heart moniter! Note the sarcasm people. By this point I was done. Mentally and physically. I groaned again and then tried sitting up. Bad idea. I let out a yelp as the right side of my body numbs and my head hits the pillow again.

"Honey, can you hear me?" asks the woman. Honey? Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't feel like arguing so I just nodded slowly. They both let out a sigh in relief. What, they thought I would just let myself die without fighting back? Hell no! This chick is gonna fight till she wins the world. I'm not a druggie who has no life. I begin thinking of my mom.

"My mom...wheres... she?" I find it difficult to speak and realize I have swollen lips. But they seem to understand me.

"She's in jail, I don't think I should mention why, you probably already know." answers the man with a worried expression on his face. He looks like he's around his fifties. With olive green eyes and gray hair with specks of white. However, the woman looks like she's in her thirties. Her chocolate brown hair is tied up in a perfect bun and her amber eyes are fixed on me. My memories start to come back.

"All I remember is her shooting me." I say looking up at him. He gives me a pitiful look and I have to turn away. I've had those looks thrown my way for my entire life and now was not the moment for one.

"Can you explain to me about the cut in your head and the bruises on your stomach?" He asks still giving me 'the look'. I was about to let him have it but then I remembered something. A terrifying memory.

"My boyfriend...... " I trailed off as the flashbacks came back. Tears were streaming down my cheek in a constant flow. I searched my mind then everything came to me at once.


I tilted my head back and dropped the remaining vodka into my mouth. It burned my throat on the way down but I barely felt it. My first bottle and I was already dizzying. I glanced at my boyfriend Nolan who was on his third. Yes ladies and gentlemen, his THIRD vodka bottle. I could tell he was VERY drunk so I giggled and started to hiccup. I started to feel the effects of being drunk myself. I gripped onto the barstool table for support but immediately felt Nolans fingers wrap around my waist. He lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder. I knew I shouldn't let him do this to me while both of us are drunk. But I did anyway. I regret that now that I look back at it. He grabbed his bottle and headed out the door. I giggled when he put me down on the ground and I noticed we were in a dark ally. Not his car. I started feeling unconformable. He grabbed my waist and pushed up against the brick wall of the building next door. That just made me even more uncomfortable. But I knew this was Nolan, so I just played along. I also regret that. I never should've played along. He smashed his lips into mine and a satisfied moan escaped me when he entered my mouth with his tongue. Just as the kiss got deeper I felt the wind get knocked out of me. I pulled away and doubled over, gripping my stomach. I looked up to see Nolan's knuckles purple. What the hell? All of a sudden a sharp pain went through my body as Nolan's bottle collided with the back of my head. I fell to the ground, half concious, as he kicked my stomach over and over again. I heard him shout words that I couldn't make out and then his sneakers thudded on the ground as he ran to his car right before I went unconcious.

*End of flash back*

I explained this all to Dr. White (I saw his name tag) and Dr. Marshalls ( I saw hers too ). They just listened and nodded like they understood. As if.

"It's ok, but on the bright side....." Dr.Marshalls started while rubbing my back but was cut off when a cute boy stepped in the room. Like, very cute. He looked as if he didn't want to be here. I took in all of the details. His light brown hair was swooped to the side and matched with the color off his light brown eyes. He wore black skinny jeans, a gray v-neck, and black Vans. He looked like he was around my age.16. His hands were jammed into his front pocket and he had that 'I don't care' expression on his face. I don't blame the kid. His eyes laid on me and he looked like I was a piece of trash, not worth mentioning. Bitch. Ok. I really need to stop cursing at random strangers. But hey, not my fault, I got it from my mom. Dr.Marshalls looked at him expectantly.

"Oh yeah, um, my mom wants to know if we can come in yet. She filled out the caretaker forms," Wait what? His mom? Caretaker? Woah, I don't even know them! I looked at both doctors with a raised eyebrow. They both went into the hallway looking for his mom. Which left me and Mr. 'I don't give a shit' in the same room alone. Turns out that wasn't a great idea......


Hello my lovely readers! So I gave yall a cliffhanger, eh? I know I hate em too but they can be fun sometimes..... hahaha! Just to give you an idea of how my characters look I pictured them to be like the ones on my front cover. ( except the clothes.) so anywho.... I hope you loved that chapter and plz comment and vote. Stay beautiful! XOX, Savs :)

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