Chapter 2

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Smut is coming very soon (:

The cool breeze cut through the air, a perfect combination to the warmth of the sun. Baby birds chirped at their arrival into the world atop of the trees they call home, and below all the action above, Vic and I sat up against the tree. I sat between his legs, my back to his chest as his arms rest comfortably across my stomach.

"I missed you," Vic whispered as his voice trailed off slightly. He had been working a lot lately since I've been out of prison to accommodate the both of our living needs. But I got him to take a break and to step out into the world and get some fresh air, which brings us here: a park we found after walking around town for about an hour and decided to take a break under the shade of the trees.

"Tell me some stories about prison. Is it as bad as they say it is?" Vic asked. I smiled, trying to hold in a laugh at his sleepy voice.

"Yeah, it was horrible. Not unbearable if you were like me and didn't really engage other inmates."

"You went all that time unnoticed?" He questioned, shifting his body to a more comfortable position.

"Well, not at first. Some of the guys found out that I was in for prostitution and used that to their advantage," I said in monotone. I wasn't as bothered by it as much as I should have been, and I knew that. I felt Vic's muscles contract as he shifted his body uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I wanted to tell him the truth that I really wasn't, but it wouldn't make what happened to me go away, so why stir it up? It wasn't going to solve my problems. And that's exactly why I wasn't bothered by it.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I made a friend though," I stated in a happier tone then before in hopes to ease Vic's nerves.

He encouraged the conversion by asking, "Oh yeah? Who?"

"His name was Adam. I can't remember his last name though," I started, "I met him when he got me out of an almost fight."

"You almost got in a fight?!" Vic exclaimed sitting up and bringing my body into an upright position with his in the action. I chuckled at his intensity over something so little.

"Emphasis on almost," I reiterated as he let his body fall back against the tree and his body relaxed. 

"But if Adam wasn't there, you would have been in trouble!"

"And you should be lucky he was there to take care of me while I was in prison," I rushed matter of factly.

"Tell me about this Adam character," Vic huffed as he calmed his attitude.

"He told me he was in for life, but I never knew what he did. I remember the stories he told me about his wife and kids. He was constantly sad that he could never leave to see his kids. It wouldn't have mattered anyways because his wife wouldn't let him around the kids anyways."

"Well, whatever he was in for must've been bad if she wouldn't let their kids see him," Vic replied.

"No, he told me the reason she didn't let the kids see him," I responded hastily. I was kind of regretting telling Vic about another man's life which had no business knowing about. But it's too late to stop right in the middle of the story, and it's not like I have much else to talk about anyways.

"Well come on, spit it out," he giggled a tired giggle that notified me he was slowly falling drowsier.

"He was sick, and she took care of him for years and years, and after he became well, he stopped loving her. He told me he realized that after he could take care of himself, he didn't need her help anymore and that's why he kept holding onto her. He had no one else but her at the time," I explained.

"Wow. So he just stopped loving her?" He questioned.

"Yeah I guess so. She wasn't that important to him after all," I confirmed.

"That's just ridiculous. He never knew what love really meant then. Because if he really loved her, he would have stuck with her until the end," Vic ranted in a lazy voice.

"Just one more question," he announced.


"What does this all have to do with the kids?"

"She doesn't want him to start loving them only to do the same thing he did her her, stopping loving them. It's stupid I know. The girl doesn't have sense.  Maybe it's because she can't face him anymore because she still loves him and won't admit it," I concluded.

"That's an option," he said. "So tell me about this almost fight."

"Well there was a guy, I don't remember his name, but he was already in a pissed off mood for some reason and I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I'm sure you could put together the rest," I explained.

"No I can't. I need you to tell me."

"A plane crashed through the roof and the nose hit him in the head and he thought it was me," I sarcastically responded to which he faintly laughed at, "what do you think happened?"

"You weren't paying attention again. You have a cliche way of meeting people, that mostly involves you running into them," he added.

"Yeah yeah. Well that's the price you pay when you can't meet people normally with a handshake. Growing up it was typically 'Hey! Let's fuck!'." I jumped up swiftly as I said "hey let's fuck" turning my body around to face Vic. The look on his face was less then impressed.

"Sorry bringing up bad pasts I know," I said, his facial expression dropped to a now more drowsy one.

"Tell me one more story," he said, head lolling from side to side.

"Nope. No more. We are catching a cab and going home. You are clearly tired," I explain as I grab his hands and pull him up from off the ground.

"No but I want to stay here and sleep under the stars!" He exclaimed.

"Vic, the sun isn't even down yet, it's only 3:00. Plus I don't think the police would like if we stayed here past closing. We'd be put in jail, and for me, it'd be back to prison for disobeying probation laws," I had to explain like I was talking to a baby. Sleepy Vic is cute, but he's also a lot of work.

"Okay okay. Let's go home," he trudged, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. His fingers fit perfectly into my own, lacing together like a croshayed blanket: warm, elegant, and one of a kind.

And as the wind blew away falling leaves from trees, my mind blew away all thoughts, except for one remaining thought, the only thought I wish my brain would have erased.

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