Chapter 3

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It had been a long week for both Vic and me. I had started to get hopeless in the job market, my mind taking me to the worst scenario:

Vic and I, on the streets. The two of us poor, hungry, begging. We would be so deprived you could see every detail of every bone in our body: the skin in our cheeks sunken in, the crease of our eyes sockets defined by a dark shadow, our hair would fall from our scalps in patches, and the harsh upcoming winner would be tough, especially wearing the ripped up dirty clothes on our backs. We'd go around town stealing food and water, and I'd eventually get caught, and go back to jail. Only this time it would be worse. I would have dragged myself down all the way to the bottom, and take the one person in my life who doesn't deserve to, down with me.

He would never be able to look at me the same, and after we'd get out of prison, he would move on from me. And where would I go? I had nothing, no one. He was the only thing in my life currently, and I didn't want to be left alone.

But to break my thoughts before I could go any deeper in thought, I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw a number I didn't recognize. Normally I wouldn't pick up the phone if its a number I don't know, but now is an exception because it could be someone calling about a job offer.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, is this Kellin Quinn?" The voice on the other end questioned in a professional like voice. The voice seemed familiar, but I wasn't sure exactly whose it was.

"This is he," I responded.

"Great, I was calling to find out when you are available for an interview for the job at The Dandelion Deli, the sandwich shop you applied for?" He asked. Immediately I knew the place, it was fairly close to Vic and I's house so I wouldn't have to waste more money on a cab just to get there, I could walk. If I land this job, it will help a great deal.

"I can come in today if necessary," I said.

"Okay perfect, stop by any time before 7:30," he spoke, then hung up the phone before I got a chance to ask his name and who to look for when I get there. But I guessed that I would figure it out once I get to that stage.

Immediately I got up from my sitting position on the living room couch and got up to get dressed and ready. I had already showered earlier this morning, so I just put on my professional clothes, and brushed through my hair a little. I grabbed my phone and keys, and walked out the door. It was about a fifteen minute walk to get there, not a long walk.

I opened the doors and the first thing I saw when I walked through the door was red hair. His face came into view only seconds later as he lifted his head up from looking at the register and I felt the blood from my face drain in disdain and horror:


I knew I had recognized the voice on the phone. It was Matty's. He surely couldn't be working here, being a rich jerk and all, this is the last place I'd expect to see him working. Actually, I didn't expect to see him working in general to be completely honest.

"Matty?" I asked.

"Kellin, come here," he said. He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me behind the counter and through a door, leading me to a back room. Luckily there was no one else in the shop but him and me, which made whatever he was up to, a lot more convenient.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned, trying to resist his pull on me.

"I need to talk to you," he asserted once we finally made it to what I would assume is his office.

"Why are you working here? Don't you have money?" I wondered.
"That's exactly why I brought you here. Kellin, I got robbed. . . of everything. I had to start from square one," he informed me.

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