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6 years
She is still as beautiful as she was back then. As of her seventeenth birthday last year she has become sexually attractive to me. I watch over her from time to time. Her birthday is today actually, and I don't know how I should feel about her becoming of age. Six years passed by so quickly, maybe I should wait a little longer.

"Alec?" Luis speaks "what an unusual surprise." "Why are you here?" I glare at him "you should leave as of now." "But why" he ask truly curious of my hurry for him to go away. As long as he is here Rose is in danger.

"I don't feel pleased to have your company." I give a stone expression "they don't call you a savage for nothing."He chuckles at my words "who could blame me? I have a large appetite, and one human a day can't satisfy my hunger".

"That's what I'm worried about." I hold my stoic look "No killing humans, in fact no hunting here."
"Why?" he questions me further then I like. "No chance of suspicion." I lie "there is no chance I am allowing you to even slightly damage me staying here." "You have been staying here for six years." he sat on his couch still analyzing me closely "what makes you stay here, Alec?"

"No reason of your concern!" I snap "you just need to understand to leave today." "I can't." he sighs at my request "unfortunately for you I am here meeting an old friend of mine." "Alex?" I realize "why is he here? The two of you will definitely ruin my stay!" "Oh relax, Alec." he smirks "Alexander and I are just going to have fun."

"What kind of fun are you implying?" I frown thinking of Rose hurt "If it involves you two I'm guessing it's bad." "What are you so worried about?" he yells frustrated by my worries. "Now, that I know Alex is involved nothing." I gave a small smile. He would never hurt Rose, because of his word. Although he can be immature and dangerous he should realize Rose is off limits. If he doesn't get that, he would wish he could die a human's death.

"Okay" Luis calms himself "I must go,and I'm sure you can leave without me walking you out the door." I grab his arm tightly "brown haired girls are off limits Luis. That's the only rule to your feast". "Why?" he questions furthering my limits "what does brown heads have to-?" I can't take this. "If you kill a brown head, if I so happen to see a brown strand of hair on you I will hunt you down and rip your dysfunctional heart out myself" I yell punching through his chest giving his heart a squeeze "Understand".

"Okay!" he groans as I released falling to his knees. After a few seconds he lets out a shaky breath "however, I won't stop till I find out what your hiding." Bad move, Luis. "Careful there," a small smile plays on my lips "find out all my secrets I just might have to kill you." He chuckles as I disappeared from his five star hotel room.

He doesn't know how serious I am, if he finds out about Rose she will not be safe. Therefore his death will be more reliable than he will ever be knowing of her existence. Luis has always been jealous of me, and will do anything to break me. Ever since the 1940s when Alex defended my rebellious stage.

One I do not care to admit, all vampires go through it their first centuries. A petty feud, that I take full responsiblity for. When, I killed a red head woman, of course I didn't know at first glance he loved her. Then he became this. A monster of my creation. Is that what Rose will be.

Why is she upset on her birthday, she is eighteen years old.That's not much to me,but to the humans it was as if they finally are fully mature. That's the thing they're not mature, so why do I want her. Shouldn't I have fallen in love with a vampire companion and not Rose.

Beautiful and vibrant as a red rose, as pure as a white rose, I've told that to myself for the last six years. She glares at her phone on the dresser, and that makes me sad. She's to sweet,fragile, and kind to ever love a monster like me. Unfortunately for her I am to selfish to let her go. She grabs her phone clicking and tapping away until she let out a tear. Why would sh- Oh her mother.

She's crying because her mother left her alone again on the day of her birth. She's a terrible mother, actually. She goes off to do business with associates and never worries once about Rose. I wish I could comfort her, warm her but I can not.

She doesn't even know I exist, not even once did she try to understand the leaf incident. Which was good right I suppose? Because just what I suspected happened she forgot about the man who basically saved her from a concussion,letting it fade away into her memory.

She starts reading that journal again laughing and giggling. I never once read it even through the six years, and I won't. Not without her permission when she knows I'm alive that is. Well not alive,but- god this was so difficult. What could I possibly say to her that let's her know about me.

Should I tell her, or should I leave her be. Maybe I can pretend to be human just for a little while then tell her the truth,or maybe hold onto the truth forever. The problem is how will I explain me being twenty five for her entire life.

When she leaves for school I frown, this was a much harder decision six years ago. Maybe I can wait until she's twenty five. "Honestly," Alex voice chuckles "you're still in love with this human Alec?" Again! "Alex!" I yelled "I am so sick of your shenanigans, you invited satin to this town's doorstep!"

"That's a bit excessive." he laughs "Don't worry, you clearly made the no brunette rule pretty clear." "Good." I smile "I missed you brother.I really did." "You could've visited Europe brother." he laughs at me. "You didn't want to though..." he realizes in my silence.

"what the hell,Alex!"

I am thrown harshly into the ground of her yard. She would notice.

"I never thought a human would come between us!" he glare "I know when she dies you'll be crushed and who will pick up the pieces Alec?" He slams me harder into the ground "If your going to love her,you should change her, because I wont be there to pull you back together!"

I lift myself up wiping off the tiny specks of dust from my white t shirt when he releases. "I will do what I please Alex!" I barey teeth at him "with a human or no human it doesn't matter I will do what ever I please, and that includes not visiting you!"

"You are naive, and your supposed to be mature!" he yells back " You choose a human girl you barely know, and frankly she really doesn't know you over me."

"Alex." my tone spoke as if I was talking to a child "I love her." "You are an imbecile." he snarls "she would never love a monster like you! I mean she doesn't even know you."

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