2. psych 101

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I punched in my name as I finished my shift and made my exit, with Hyuk following close behind.

The skies were a dark grey, signaling that it was probably going to rain soon. I was thankful for bringing my car for once, knowing I cant afford for my textbooks to get wet again.

"Hey...how did you know my name by the way ?" I asked casually as we strolled into a nearby cafè.

"I saw your name on the schedule when I walked up there" Hyuk replied with an amused smile.


Ofcourse he saw that. Why would I ask him such a stupid question ?

I brushed off my nerves and found a table at the back of the cafè, where the bustling sounds of the streets couldnt be heard.

Hyuk grabbed a menu, his brows knitting  together as he chose his drink.

"I'll have an americano" he finally said and handed the waiter the menu.

"I'll have the same" I added and the waiter collected the menus and left us.

I wasn't one for coffee meetings or catch ups, whatever you call it. I was an introvert, who liked to study people instead of converse with them about useless things.

"Do you know that intelligent people have less friends than the average person" Hyuk smiled brightly.

"The smarter you are, the more selective you are" I chuckled, "it makes sense though doesnt it ?"

"How many friends do you have (y/n) ?" He asked, resting his elbows on the table.

"Hmmm....two ?" I answered, it sounded pathetic whether I was somewhat intelligent or not. I had a hard time making friends.

"I have one" Hyuk mused, "Hongbin, I dont know how he puts up with me."

"I know the feeling"

"Aren't we just special socially awkward kids ?" Hyuk grinned as the waiter placed our drinks on the table.

I couldnt help myself but watch as he tore open sachets of sugar and mix it into his coffee. It was indeed a habit, but observing people was just what I did.

Everything he did was slow and timed. His movements were very calculated and subtle. For a boy around his age he wasnt as distracted or hyper active. I could tell he was mature with a streak of mischief in his eyes.

"Do you want to play a game ?" He asked suddenly  and pulled out a notebook and pen.

"A game ?" I quizzed and watched as he began drawing several circles within each other on the page.

"Yes my father and I play this game all the time" he replied, setting the pen in front of me, "were going to play Wolf."

Hyuk turned the page to a clean one and pushed the pen closer to me.

Wolf was a popular psycological game where the players come up with different characters and figure out who would be the killer, the one pulling the strings, the 'wolf'. This person would manipulate the other characters using their character traits and the players have to come up with a good alibi as to why the specific character is the Wolf. Its really a pointless game, but psych students love coming up with weird plots and twists.

"First we need characters" he explained.

"Person A and Person B" I shrugged and Hyuk tutted at my poor creativity.

"Thats no fun, come on we have to create seven unique personalities, have you never had an imaginary friend ?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed the pen, jotting down the first name that came into my head.

"Ravi ?" Hyuk hummed, "who's Ravi ?"

"One of my two friends...actually I haven't seen him for more than six years" I answered with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Ravi was the closest person I could of called a best friend. He was the only person to have ever understood me and I ruined it.

"What was Ravi like ?" Hyuk asked, breaking me out of my memories.

"He was funny, but knew when to be serious" I smiled as I thought of a few good memories, "he always knows when to say the right thing."

"Cool, we have our first character" Hyuk clapped and grabbed the notebook and pen.

"The next character will be Hongbin, seeing as your friend is in it" he said as he scribbled Hongbin's name in the book. "Hongbin is whiny, stubborn and a bit of a brat but he gives off a brotherly charm thats almost.... hypnotising."

"Who's next ?" I chuckled, taking a sip of my coffee bonding with the quirky stranger. This felt almost too comfortable too quickly.

"We need someone who's quiet throughout the questioning" he frowned, "he seems suspicious because of his awkward silence, but could be the innocent one."

"Or he could be guilty and wants people to believe he is innocent" I shrugged.

"Bingo!" Hyuk exclaimed and pointed at the waiter's nametag who collected our empty cups, "his name is Leo."

"Uh.... I'll bring the bill" Leo the waiter frowned and awkwardly shuffled away as Hyuk and I shared a chuckle.

"Leo it is" I nodded and at that moment the rain began to pour down harshly, that it echoed throughout the cafè.

"Ah shit, how the hell do I get home now" Hyuk groaned as we watched the people in the streets run for cover.

"I could give you a ride if you want" I offered, I didnt see any harm in it. We were already comfortable with each other and he was nice enough to pay for the coffee.

"Are you sure you're okay with that ?" He asked, "I really dont mind making a run for the subway."

"Its cool" I assured him, "plus we have a game to finish."

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