5. Ken

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I chuckled loudly, causing him to tilt his head slightly as if I were the one losing my mind.

"Is this some kind of sick joke Hyuk put you up to ?" I bit my lip and folded my arms. "You dont actually think I believe your name is Ken."

"I dont expect you to, Im just merely telling you the truth" he shrugged continued walking down the hallway.

"If you're Ken then does this mean were still playing the game ?" I questioned catching up to him and followed his pace.

"I guess so..."

"Will I meet the others ?"


"Are you guys into roleplaying or something because this is just craz-" Ken stopped me mid sentence and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Its up to you, whether you think any of this is real or not (y/n)" he said as his lips curled into a smile.

"Okay" I nodded and exhaled deeply, "what is this place anyway ?"

"Its called the Labyrinth, anything and everything you deeply desire can be found here" Ken spread out his arms and spun around.

"Isnt a labyrinth a maze ?" I scrunched up my nose.

"Who said this isn't one ?" He quirked his eyebrow and I noticed how we were back in the front foyer after walking in the opposite direction. 

Ken was informative of everything that had to do with this particular floor. Everything in it seemed to match his personality. From the offbeat colouring to the comfortable feeling in each room. I made sure to keep track of everything he said and did, as it could prove useful later on. If this all was still part of the game, that is.

"You dont seem as tense anymore" Ken commented as we flipped through a few books in the library that stood in the middle of nowhere.

"Im playing along" I sighed, pulling out a page that caught my attention and slipped it into my pocket.

I reached out to grab another book when Ken's slender fingers reached out to mine grazing my skin. I felt a sudden throbbing pain in my head, as if someone was drilling a nail into my temple.

'Ken wait up'

'its not my fault you're slow, come on were going to miss roll call.'

'Ken its dark here! Dont leave me alone!'

'Dont be ridiculous,  are you still afraid of the dark ?'

The images that ran through my head were blurry but the voices were crystal clear. I looked up at Ken who's eyes were already glued to mine, as if he had been wanting to show me that the entire time.

Was it real......or was it a memory ?

I took a few steps back as the migrane finally subsided. Looking at Ken reminded me of something I was was missing. But Hyuk was still a factor in all of this. He clearly was taking this game a bit too seriously.

"Y-you said you were going to take me to Hyuk ?" I spoke up and scratched the back of my head.

"Yes follow me" Ken replied, his eyes trailing over me and walked me over to a door.

"In here ?" I exhaled, looking at the rusted handle and the vines that crept along the door frame.

"Take this and follow the vines" he explained and handed me a flashlight.

"Wait, cant you come with me ?" I asked quickly, staring at the flashlight which suggested it was going to be dark wherever I was headed.

Ken shook his head and sighed. He looked pitiful. Almost as if he knew of my fear but he wasn't allowed to accompany me. I nodded anyway and turned the knob of the door, my heart racing as the darkness merged with the brightly lit hallway.

"Well thanks for everything I guess" I murmured and he bowed slightly as I took the first step on the wooden staircase.

"Oh and (y/n), he may look scary but he will never hurt you" Ken added and shut the door behind me.

' he will never hurt you '

Was he reffering to Hyuk...or someone else ?

I swallowed hard and followed the vines up the stairway, my breathing steady but my nerves on edge. I finally reached the top of the staircase, only to reveal yet another floor decorated completely differently. Well if you could count empty spaces, broken glass and a sombre atmosphere as 'decoration'.

"H-hyuk....?" I said in almost a whisper, but it somehow echoed throughout the room. 

If the darkness wasnt enough for my anxiety, I felt someone staring directly at me. A shiver ran down my spine when a figure stood in the corridor, all I could see was its eyes. I quickly lifted my flashlight in hopes of finding out who it was, but as soon as the light touched the corridor the figure vanished into thin air.

In a state of panic, I ran, I didnt know where I was going but something felt extremely dangerous about this room. In my state of fear and adrenaline I ended up tripping over a pile of boxes.

"Shit" I mumbled and quickly grabbed the flashlight that had rolled a few feet away from me. As I retrieved it, I noticed a piece of paper with an image of a young man on it. It looked like a prison headshot. I swallowed hard as I read the convicted's name.

"Jung Taekwoon...... preferably known as Leo."

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