4. Stage 1

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I didnt realise I passed out until my eyes fluttered open and it was now brighter outside. I rubbed my eyes, trying to make sense of my surroundings when I noticed that my car wasn't smashed.

"What the hell ?" I muttered as I peered into my rear view mirror. No smoke, not a scratch on my body and no sign of Hyuk.

I jumped out of my car and noticed I was parked just outside of the house we almost crashed into last night. It was more of a worn out building than a home. The windows were all blackened out and there were no signs of anyone residing in it.

"H-hyuk ?" I shakenly called out as I carefully searched the yard. What was I doing ? I needed to get out of here.

I hurried back to my car, in hopes of just escaping whatever I got myself into. Pressing down on the clutch and turning my key, my car gave out within seconds.

I let out a deep sigh and winced as a light from the dark windows flickered. Someone was in this building. It could of been Hyuk. He could of been hurt.

Not having any idea where I was or how I was going to get out of here, I swallowed hard and walked up to steel door. I noticed a placard that seemed to adorn a strange symbol and lettering.

"Labyrinth..." I frowned and pushed open the door. The cold touch of the metal seemed so familiar, almost as if I'd been here before.

I stepped into the dark room, leaving the steel door to shut tightly behind me. The room was lit with candles alongside its stone walls. It looked almost medieval, but had a sense of modern touch to the furniture.

As I scoped the room I noticed a figure walk hastily down the hall. My heart skipped a beat. What if it wasnt Hyuk ? What if it was someone who didn't appreciate tresspassers on their property ?

I shook my head and jogged down the long hallway, whoever it was could probably help with my car. The more I came in terms with this new surrounding, the more I was intrigued by the set up. The rooms were wide, with various objects placed in every corner. The colours in some of the rooms were loud and distruptive beside the medieval paintings. To summarize each room, it was a creative mess.

"Uhm...hello?" I called, peeping into one of the rooms and noticed the figure standing behind an easel. The figure was dressed in a red velvet suit, not the best attire to be painting with.

"Hi...im uh sorry to be barging in like this, I didn't know anyone was living here" I said shakily and I stepped into the room.

The figure slowly turned around and I felt every hair on my body stand up. There was something odd by the way he moved, by the way he looked at me as if he were waiting for me.

"Took you long enough" he smiled brightly and sauntered toward me.

"Im sorry ?" I stuttered, "I think you have me mistaken for someone else."

The quirky man shrugged at my words and ran his fingers through his thick blonde hair.

"I think I have just the right person, (y/n)."

"How- how do you know my name ?" I backed away, and his eyes lit up at my defense.

The man chuckled, his tone almost child-like, it was strangely comforting. He gave me a folded piece of paper and tucked his hands in his pockets as I unfolded it.

The paper was torn out of a notebook. Hyuk's notebook to be exact. It was the page he wrote down the characters for our game.

"Do you know Hyuk ? Where did he go ? Is he somewhere in this building ?" I questioned him immediately.

The man held out his finger and tutted. "Hyuk is....well Hyuk is- hmm I actually dont know where he is" he hummed.

I groaned in frustration. I wasn't getting anywhere with this strange, slightly delusional man. All I knew was that he definitely knew who Hyuk was.

I began searching the room for more clues, as the blonde haired man stood in the middle of the room watching me carefully.

"What exactly are you looking for ?" He asked politely, as I flipped through a few books that were scattered across the table.

"Obviously Hyuk is playing some stupid prank on me" I answered, and shut the last book. "Where is he ?"

The man froze as I suddenly approached him. His beady eyes scanning my face before he opened his mouth slightly.

"I cant tell you where he is, but I can show you" he smiled, and turned on his heels making his way out into the hallway.

I scurried after him, trying to keep up with his quick steps as he led me down the long and twisted hallway.

"Can you at least tell me your name ?" I huffed, as he came to a complete stop almost causing me to topple over.

The man turned around and his lips curled into a tight smile. He politely bowed before me, his eyes not leaving mine for a second.

"My name is Ken, pleased to meet you."

Labyrinth | Hyuk [completed]Where stories live. Discover now