Number 4

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Taemin saw a few girls laughing and giggling. He wanted to join them but he felt like they were gonna tease him. Taemin just sat there in his seat alone hoping that someone would speak to him. "Excuse me may I sit here?" A boy asked. Taemin immediately nodded and scooted over for the boy to sit. "Why are you sitting here alone?" He asked. Taemin shrugged and began to play with his fingers. The boy saw his polished finger nails and smiled. "Pretty nails but maybe you should try white..or green." He said. "Ew gross! Green is a bad color.." Taemin began to giggle and so did the boy. "By the way I'm Kibum." He said. "I'm Taemin." They both shook hands and Taemin looked up. "Come on Taemin lets go." Jongin said. "Oh..okay bye Kibum!" Taemin waved and Kibum smiled.

Taemin and Jongin were both watching TV, cuddling together. "Taemin wanna go and shop?" Jongin said. Taemin shook his head and continued to cuddle with Jongin. "Why? Its been a few days since we went out.." Jongin whined. Taemin ignored him and heard his phone ringed. "Hello?" Taemin said. "Oh Taemin! I was wondering if you wanna go shopping? Jongin can come too." Chanyeol said.

"I don't want to.." Taemin said. Jongin could hear there conversation. He grabbed the phone and smiled. "Chanyeol we'll be there at 1pm, okay? Sounds good. Love you too you weirdo.." Jongin hung up and Taemin punched his arm. "I don't wanna go!" Taemin punched him again. Jongin gave him a peck on the lips. "Sweetie relax it would be cool hanging with him." Jongin said.

"I don't have time doing my makeup.." Taemin said. "I'll do your makeup." Taemin shook his head and laughed. "Do you think I trust you with my makeup?" Jongin shrugged and grabbed his lipstick.

"But I can still try." Taemin stick his tongue out and snatch his lipstick out of his hand. "I'll go do it by myself." Taemin said. "Don't be in there all day." Jongin said. Taemin nodded and closer the bedroom door.

When Taemin finally opened the door. Jongin was amazed at Taemin beauty. His long curled hair, his sweet pinkish lips, he was wearing a long sleeves floral dress with the Vans that Chanyeol gave him.

"Beautiful.." Jongin whispered. Taemim saw the perverted look in his eyes but ignored it. Jongin grabbed some jeans and shoes and put them on. Jongin couldn't stop staring at Taemin. He was just so beautiful.

"Stop staring you weirdo.." Taemin said. "You're just so beautiful Taemin." Taemin rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. "Oh by the way I have someone else who is coming." Jongin said. Taemin tried to act all excited but he really wasn't. He already had a friend what else did he need?

"Oh goodie anyways let's go or my makeup will melt." Jongin nodded in response and they both head off.

"Chanyeol!" Taemin ran towards him and hugged him. Chanyeol blushed a little and ruffled his head. "You are so gorgeous.." Chanyeol said. Chanyeol couldn't stop staring at Taemin he was just so beautiful.

"Jongin where us your special friend at?" Taemin asked. "Right here." Jongin pointed at a small boy behind Chanyeol. "Oh that's Kyungsoo." Chanyeol pulled Kyungsoo towards Taemin.

"Hi." Taemin said. Kyungsoo was shock at the waybTaemin sound like. "Deep voice.." Kyungsoo said. Jongin punched him in the arm and Kyungsoo flinched.

"Don't say shit like that just say hello he is sensitive about those things." Jongin whispered in Kyungsoo's ear. Kyungsoo looked back at Taemin who had a gloomy face.

"That can't be a he.." Kyungsoo whispered back. "Holy fuck just apologize!" Kyungsoo eyes widened at Chanyeol's sudden anger. "I'm sorry..Taemin." Kyungsoo said.

Taemin nodded but didn't speak. He hated his voice. It was disgusting and he wanted it gone. "Baby what is wrong?" Jongin asked, squeezing his hand tightly.

Taemin kept a straight face and ignored him. "Do you wanna go home?" He asked. Taemin shook his hand and hey both stopped. "Hey maybe we should go in a store and buy some stuff." Chanyeol said.

Taemin smiled a little and they all went inside the store. Taemin saw a boy shopping for shoes. He looked quite familiar. "He looks so really familiar.." Taemin said.

"Hun, I think you're buying too many clothes." The boy said. "Kibum these clothes are limited edition though.." The boy whined. "Kibum.." The boy turned around and saw Taemin. "Do I know you?" He asked.

"It's you! The boy that said I should wear green nail polish in middle school!" Customers looked at Taemin in shock. "Oh my goodness it's Taetae!" Kibum ran towards him and gave him a hug.

Jongin had a jealous look and so did Chanyeol. "Your hair! It's so long and your fashion is on point." They both giggled and Kibum smiled. "It's been forever Taemin and did you finally got your man?" Kibum said, looking at Jongin.

"Kibum what are you doing? Who is she?" The boy asked. "A old friend of mines." Kibum said. Kibum grabbed a sheet paper and write 7 digits on the paper.

"We have to talk again." Taemin smiled and took the sheet of paper. "I'll call you tonight." Taemin said. They both smiled at each other and Chanyeol grabbed Yasmin's hand. "Let's go." Chanyeol said. Jongin took Chanyeol hand away from Taemin's and held his hand

Chanyeol didn't like watching the two giggle and kiss. It made his body feel weird. He didn't like Taemin that way. Just a friend but it was so hard watching the two together. He could see the jealousy of Kyungsoo's eyes as well.

"What's wrong with you?" Kyungsoo shrugged and continued to stare at the two. "Disgusting.." he murmured. "It's not disgusting.." Chanyeol said.

"From all the people he could date he fell in love with a freak." Kyungsoo growled. "What are you saying!?"Chanyeol stopped walking and so did Jongin and Taemin. "He isn't disgusting! He is beautiful and amazing! People like you are disgusting!" Chanyeol pushed Kyungsoo on the ground.

Chanyeol didn't know why he cared about Taemin a lot. He only known him for a week. "Kyungsoo I'm sorry..get up." Chanyeol held his hand out but Kyungsoo ignored it. "Fuck off." He said walked off.

Chanyeol looked around and saw a huge crowd circling him. Chanyeol frowned and walked off as well. "What was that for? Who was the 'he'?" Taemin asked. Jongin shrugged and held Taemin's hand.

"Come on let's just go home I guess.." Jongin said. Taemin nodded and they both left the mall.

"Nini massage my pretty feet pwease.." Jongin shook his head and continued to read. "Pabo.." Taemin murmured. Jongin stopped reading and stared at Taemin. Jongin saw a evil smirk formed on Taemin's face.

"Pabo Pabo Pabo~!" Jongin grabbed Taemin's waist and tickle his neck. Taemin bit his finger and Taemin ran away from Jongin. "Get your Taebooty back here!" Jongin yelled. "Come and get it!" Taemin pointed at his butt before sticking his tongue out and running inside the bedroom.

He locked the door and hid under the bed. "Taetae open up.." Jongin whined, hitting the door really loud. Taemin grabbed his phone and look through his contacts. "Jongin, Chanyeol, and I do need more friends.." Taemin pressed the call button and he waited patiently for his new friend to answer.

"Hello?" Taemin smiled when he heard his voice. "Kibum! Kibum I'm being harassed.." Taemin said. "By who!? Let me get my knife-" Taemin began to laugh. "No silly I'm just joking it's just Jongin being weird. "He a perv too?" Kibum said.

"A huge perv..oh god how did he manage to get inside." Taemin could hear the bedroom door open. Jongin looked understand the bed and saw his cute little Taemin hiding.

He grabbed his phone and threw it in the closet. "You're mine now Taebooty." Jongin said in a seductively tone. Taemin pouted and Jongin pulled him out under the bed.

Kyungsoo jelly asf he gonna be in the story alot

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