Even when I wanted to die, to kill myself
To rip each cell of my being apart, not once,
Not ever, did I miss a piece of homework.
Or fail a test or skip an hour-long lesson.
Sure, I skipped three meals a day but at least
I had my priorities straight.
I see these kids walking in front of me to school.
I see them, and they are zombies.
Blank faces, I doubt they've slept,
Probably up all night doing that essay
They forgot to do because their parents
Asked them to spend a few hours with them.
And I know this isn't right but
I remember overhearing someone rant
About how mental illnesses are so common these days;
They've become the latest fashion accessories
For the young.
It's popular to be damaged. That makes no sense.
These kids are going insane.
Perhaps if you looked the tiniest
Bit further you'd see that this system is not working.
The clue is that millions of children are being literally
Driven mad by it each day.
But at least they're averaging Bs
And thank god they cut themselves when they
leave school so the teachers don't have to deal with it.
-"Report Card Papercuts" - R.R-P (wildwritings)
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