People are Mean 😡

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So in my school there's this REALLLLLLLLY nice teacher and he's really funny and make jokes and all that fun stuff!! But a lot of people are calling him a pedophile!! I didn't know what that meant so I asked my friend. And, let me just say: PEOPLE GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!!! Just because he's nice doesn't mean he wants bad stuff!!!!!!!! Honestly just shut the heck up! They don't even know the weight of their words for Gosh-darn-it's sake!!

Oh deary me (nothanksmorg)!!! I'm sorry I had to vent that out. I'm not as mad now 😕. But that made me so mad I almost wanted to swear (hint word: almost). Anyway. Toodles friends I hope you guys stay being nice to you teaches 👍 😊 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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