Non stop

9 0 0

Artificial amateurs aren't at all amazing analytically I assault and amaze things

Brocken barriers bounded by the bomb beat buildings are Brocken basically I'm bombarding

casually create catastrophes casualties cancelling cats got their canopies collapsing

detonate a dime of dank daily doing dough demonstrations don data on the down low

eating other editors with each and every energetic epileptic episode elevated etiquette

furious fat fabulous fantastic flurries of funk felt feeding the fanatics

gift gone gave global goods gone glorious getting godly and his game with the goriest

hit'em h*lla high historical hey holocaust hints
'em holler at your homeboy

imitators idolise I intimidate in an instant I'll arise in an irate state

juice in my jams like jerry curls kicking joints justly it's just me writing my journals

kindly I'm kindling all kinds of ink on karate kicks like bricks in my kingdom

let me live a long life lyrically lessons is learned lame louses lose to my livery

my mind makes marvellous moves masses marvel and move many mock what I've mastered

people nap at night knowing I'm nice naturally knack never lack make noise nationally

operation opposition of not optional out of sight out of mind wide beaming opticals

perfected poem powerful punch lines plummeting petty powder puffs in my prime

quick keep quotes it's quite it's quantum quarrellers ain't got a quarter what we gotta

really raw raps rising up rapidly riding the rushing radioactivity

super scientifical sounds that are sought science and super fire shafts that are soft

tales ten times talented two tough take that challengers get a tune up

universal unique untouched unadulterated the raw uncut

verbal vice lords victorious valid violating crimes are vain make 'em vanish

where in my world would a wise wordsmith keep weeding up words wait up I'm a work shift

xerox my x radiation extraholes extra large and xylophone tones

yellow back yow mouth young ones yawns yesterday's lawn yard sale I yawn

zig zag zombie zooming to the zenith zero in zen thoughts overzealous rhyming zealots!!!!

Good, can you say it faster??

Hey! Sorry if I misspelled something or got something wrong, but I did this by memory!!

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