Chapter 1-Snow Moon

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Hi, My name is Snow Moon and i'm 13 years old.  i have A.D.H.D and dyslexia. i can talk in English and Greek but only  read and write in Greek otherwise my eyes do weird stuff.I have white hair and bright red eyes. I've lived at the orphanage my whole life. i was adopted 3 times but each time they've brought me back. The others teased my and call me rude names that i don't want to mention.But i don't care because i have a secret that no-one can know.... well i guess ill tell you, you know all that Greek mythology stuff about the gods and goddess' well its all true. how would i know, well my mum is one. I don't actually know which one though. it all started when i was 6 and 3 bullies came up to me. Alyssa, Bridget and Charlotte. they were my regular bullies until they got adopted. Anyways, they pushed me to the ground and started calling me rude names i didn't even know existed and i burst into tears as any kid would if they were being teased. well i was really angry at them and out of thin air it started snowing. everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the snow.there was only one sound. my crying. i started crying more heavily cause everyone was know staring at me and i was embarrassed. suddenly a big blizzard formed and came over to the 3 girls and threw them across the room. yes i forgot to mention that we were inside.then as soon as it started it was gone. then the snow stopped falling and it disappeared. one snowflake fell and it kissed me on the nose and then dissolved. yes i am NOT kidding it legit kissed me on the nose. And since that happened i have been getting gifts for my birthday each time with a card saying 'Happy Birthday my darling daughter. Love your goddess of a mother.' One year i got a bracelet with a snowflake on it and another year i got a tiara with a note saying  i was a princess. i have to keep that one hidden so no-one steals it. she was the one who explained to me about the Greek Mythology. Every year i wonder who she is . I wish she would tell me who she is.

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