Meaningless first touch

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We were waiting patiently for them and suddenly we heard a hissing sound. "Jungkook did you hear that?" I asked. "Yes. I think i heard it and im sure its a snake." He said. "Of course its a snake pabo! What other animal does hissing sound?!" I scolded him while taking a few steps back.

"Run!" I shouted and grabbed his hand. We ran as far as we could and dumb me, i ran in further into the forest. "Jungkook im sorry but i think i ran fast without thinking. We're lost" i said. "Kencana i think i got this" he said and now he is taking the lead.

We continued walking and my legs gave up. I dropped to the floor and was panting hard. "Can we rest for awhile?" I look at him with cute eyes. "My legs are now like jelly and i cant walk any further" i gave an excuse so that we can rest.

He didnt say a word and sat down beside me laying his head on my shoulders. I let him be because im too tired to talk. We stayed silent and didnt move a bone.

"Isn't it nice?" He said with his eyes shut. "What thing?" I ask. "Sitting down and looking at the nature" he said. "Psh.. how can you look at the nature when your eyes were close?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "I wish time could stop and i could stayed like this with you forever" he said.

I was shocked with his words and i froze. My cheeks were turning red and i could feel butterflies in my stomach. Jungkook faced me and placed his both hands on my cheeks.

I wanted to say something but it felt like my mouth were glued together. He was staring at my lips and suddenly he come closer and we kissed.

My eyes were widened and his lips were so soft. Then he let go of my lips. He look down and say "im sorry. I didnt know what i was thinking"

'Sorry? He didnt know what he was thinking! HE JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS!' I thought to myself and i got angry.

I was mad and walk ahead leaving him behind. "Jinyoung! Jin young-yah!" He called me but i ignore him. I kept walking straight and didnt thought that i would find the way out.

When i walk out of the forest everyone was cheering and worrying about us. "Jin young! Jin young!" Jungkook called me again but i walk straight. Eun ji and Ji soo followed me from behind.

I unzipped my tent and lay down on my sleeping bag. I cried out of anger. Eun ji and Ji soo came in and try to calm me down. "What happen?" Ji soo asked. "Lets leave her for awhile. I think she needs time" Eun ji brings Ji soo out of my tent.

I didnt eat for dinner and didnt even dare to meet Jungkook.

~Jungkook p.o.v~

Its already dinner and Jin young is still not here. About the kiss, It wasn't an accident. I truly fell for her and i messed things up. I have to tell her.

I spotted Jimin hyung and i called him "Hyung!". He turns and walk towards me. "What?" He said. "Have you seen Jin young?" I asked. "N-no" he said. "Oh okay. Thanks" i walk away and ask people around.

~Jimin p.o.v~

Its almost dinner and Jin young is not back. I think she is in her tent. I sneak out and went to her tent. I was about to knock and ask whether she is in there but instead i heard someone crying.

I quickly unzipped the tent and saw Jin young crying. "You okay?" I asked. Jin young didnt answer me. I came in and sit next to her.

"Its okay. You can cry more, let it all out" i bring her closer to me and she let it all out. "Kumawo" she said. I let go of her and she sit up, facing me.

I wipped her tears and asked "have you eaten?". She shake her head. "Wait here i'll go and get you a sandwhich" i get out of the tent and went to the dining area.

I was walking towards the dining area when someone called me "Hyung!". I turn and it was Jungkook. I walk towards him with my hands in my pocket and say "what?"

"Have you seen Jin young?" He asked. "N-no" i said. "Oh okay. Thanks" he tapped my shoulder and run off. I look at him suspiciously. 'He must have done something to Jin young' i thought to myself. Then i walk off to take Jin young's sandwhich.

~Jin young p.o.v~

I stopped crying and then Jimin came with my dinner. "Here" he pass me the sandwhich. I took it and start eating. "Thank you" i said while munching my food. He just smile and nods. "Jin young i need to go already. Here's an extra sandwhich. Eat a lot" he patted my head and walk off.

Then Ji soo and Eun ji came in. "Jin young why is he here?" They asked. I showed them the sandwhich and they nodded. "Tell me what happen in the forest that made you cry until now?" Eun ji asked.

I tell them the whole story and they were mad. "How can he do that?!" Eun ji said. "I feel like punching him in the face" ji soo said angrily. "Of course! he is a playboy after all" eun ji added.

"How am i going to face him?" I pouted. " Jin young dont worry! We'll take care if it!" They both said it in the same time. "Its over cant help it but accept the fact that my first kiss was meaningless" i said.

"Lets go to sleep. Its late and we need to wake up early tomorrow." Ji soo said.

And we went to sleep.

To be continued....

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