» chapter 8«

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•Brandon's P.O.v•

     ~5 months later (yep that just happened 😏)
It hasn't been the same sense we found out what that trash ass of an ex did to Piper, mom ended up finding out too from all the yelling we were doing. She wanted to bring him to court and send him to jail for what he did, but Piper didn't want to make matters worse than they already are, I mean I kinda wouldn't blame her, like do you know what he did to her?! I wish she would have let mom take him to court though, because nobody should ever be able to get away with doing that. But we can't force Piper to go through more pain than she has already, she's still taking the whole us and mom finding out thing pretty hard. Sure it's been months already and she should be over it by now but it must be hard for her, moms always mentioning it to her and about bring him to court for it and such. She rarely ever leaves her room now and it's starting to worry all of us. The only time we see her is when she goes to get food or to use the bathroom, she stopped listening to us when we tried talking to her, she'd only shrug us away and walk away. I wish we never lost her before. I wish that we always had her here with us before. I wish we didn't have to have found her, because she would be already here. And I wish none of this happened to her, nobody ever  deserves to go through what she did. And I don't care what it takes, this guy will get what he deserves one way or another.

•Pipers P.O.V.•
   I haven't left my room in what feels like forever, I rarely ever leave it. Only when I really need to which is to use the bathroom, shower, and eat when the hunger is too much for me to handle. I don't eat as much as I used to, the last time had to be at least 2 days ago. I just don't have the energy to eat, but nobody knows I'm not eating a lot less then normal, they all think I still eat most of the time.  I found something that keeps me busy most of the time, sure it's not one of the best things for me to do by it makes me feel better, it makes me feel like everything's okay, even though deep down inside I know it really isn't, but that it will get better soon but probably not, I started self harm again, cutting mainly, and yeah I meant the word again, I used to back when what happened happened. As much as you think you can trust a person, you can't always trust them. One way or another you'll always end up getting hurt. I can't let Hunter or Brandon ,Ashton, mom, anyone find out about this. They'll never trust me by myself again, or forgive me...


Because you all kept demanding an update, yes demanding 😂. Here you guys go I know it's short but it's all I got for now, life's not the best or easiest rn so  updates are extra slower than normal, if there's any grammar or spelling errors in terribly sorry I wrote this all in one sitting and in a rush so yeah, with much love,

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