I Wish...

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Hey. this is my first fanfic so i hope you like it. Please Fan, Vote and follow my twitter @123Flick_Fanfic :)

Enjoy :D



I had been standing here, in this very spot before only a few years earlier. Then I was shy, misunderstood, a loner really. It was the school production and the stage opened onto a hall full of people and I danced with people who … well didn’t even know my name, only this time, I was at the centre with only 5 others everyone knew, no lights will be enough to blind me so to not see the shock and jealousy in the eyes of my classmates. Their sudden recognition of me. Connecting a name to a face. Even my friends looked at me like a person they knew nothing about, only seeing the scene playing in front of them.

They only saw the girl that was nothing, a piece of dirt on the bottom of their shoe, holding the hands of the boys that made them want to follow their dreams. The boys that meant the most to them.

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