Chapter 8

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Dear Diary,

On the way to our destination, we were moved like animals as we tirelessly ran without room for error in front of men who commanded us with their "whips" if anyone slowed.

In front of my eyes, I helplessly let a religious, young boy die after falling and later trampled by the hundreds in our wake.

The presence of my father, my sole living family member, was the only reason I could keep going. At some point, I could no longer feel my legs as they moved mechanically like a machine.

During the seemingly forever-lasting run, the SS were replaced once they became tired, but of course, we had no stand-ins.

After the SS finally ordered us to halt, my father and I sunk into the snow as one. My father urged me to move, but I had depleted all of my resolve and energy, yet I stood up to his command.

As I rested, I overheard Rabbi Eliahu searching for his beloved son. They had lost each other after he had fallen behind, but the Rabbi did not know that his son had left him to die.

Unlike the Rabbi's son, I would never want to be rid of my father. The thought of becoming like his son was horrifying. 

 Would I ever become like him?


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