Chapter Ten

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"Hey, what was that?" Soo whispered to Young Hee. "You..."

Soo couldn't help but recognise he vibe of the people from her time aminate from Young Hee. The way she spoke, the way she moved,...

"I'm from the future, like you," Young Hee confessed, obviously originally reluctant, but admitted it anyway. "I um... yeah, I'm from your time, and I know about you,... Go Ha Jin."

Soo eyes widened. She laughed abit, a little forced and nervous.

"But we better not associate to much about this. It'd be bad news for us if this ever leaked out to anyone."

Soo nodded, as a sign of understanding. She didn't want to screw up anything as well, but she just couldn't help but feel so much more relieved having someone like her around. This made her want to curl up into a ball with fear, it made her want to throw her head back laughing like a lunatic, and hell, it made her want to stare at her like she was Martha Stewart trying to do a hand stand.

"Soo?" Young Hee raised her eyebrows. "Make sure to keep this a secret."

"Yeah, of course," she replied quickly. They locked their pinkies and nodded reassuringly.

"Oh and Soo?" Young Hee called her name again before the two went different ways.

Young Hee was silent. "Never mind. I forgot," she smiled and exhaled through her nose.

"Oh. Okay, then."

'How was I suppose to tell her all mishaps which awaited her? All those deaths... if I told her, what would change? Would it even change?' She wondered. She thought and wondered so hard it made her temples pound. She needed rest. A lot of rest.

"Save it. I'm gonna head for ma bed. My head is gonna break," Young Hee sighed and walked with her back bent over.

"Huh? Your head... oh my! MISS! DO YOU NEED ME TO CALL THE-"

"SHHHHH!" Young Hee snapped. "Two words: Quiet. Bed."
Young Hee glared at her and headed to her room. "Sleep..." her voice trailed on till her hands could finally feel the bed. "Finally... peace and quiet." She buried her face in her hands and smiled, finally able to take a long rest after almost getting killed by a group of-

The door opened.
"Who is it?" She yawned. "I want sleep. Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep!"

"Lady, I'm Hye In. The master told me to--"

"Calm your tits, woman. I need bed. Whatever you want to talk to me about,... tomorrow. Morning. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Did the message sink in?"

The maid didn't say a word.
"Good. Go away."
"Oh and also-"
"Can't you hear me, Hye In? Anything to say, tell me TOMORROW," she put more pressure and voice on the last word.

Hye In bowed, following her miss' orders. She left the room and dissapeared behind the door.

"Ah... now I can finally sleep forever," she told herself.

Knock knock!

"Young Hee," said a low voice.
But she couldn't recognise it. It was a voice which she had never heard. She forced her head up and looked at the man with her eyes narrowed.

"Whoever you are, go someplace else. Talk to me tomorrow," she demanded grumpily. "I'm so tired I feel like Jack Black with boxers. So go to freaking hell if you want to freaking ruin my bloody sleep, son of the sleep ruiner!"

The man stood still. She looked more closely at him, and realised he was inches taller than her, a bit muscular, and wore clothes the people in the palace would look in disgust at.

"Young Hee," he repeated, as if she hadn't said anything in the first place. "I'm-"

And just before he could go to his introduction, a thin stick, with a shiny object at its end, flew right past the door, and hit the very top of Young Hee's head. It merely cut one hair. One.

At this, the man pulled her over his shoulder and despite all her yelling and punches on the man's back, he didn't put her down.

'Am I... kidnapped?' She wondered in her half-conscious mind. She was so tired she could barely function. The only thing not complicated enough for her to think about was hash browns from her favourite restaurant, Lee's Dine for her grumbling stomach. "Dammit I'm hungry." She became all pouty, like a lost little brat, although she was obviously getting kidnapped.

The man holding her suddenly waved his hand in the air, and knocked her out.

"OHMYGOSH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL WHAT!" She screamed and jumped from the bed. She exhaled in relief. "Ha... it was a dream. Why would I be thinking of hash browns when I'm getting kidnapped?" She laughed and sighed. "I wouldn't be that stupid to do so. I'm not a jackass with no brains like Scott from high school," she rolled her eyes.

"Like who?"


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