A Place in Your Heart

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I do not own any FFXV characters and places. All credits go to Square Enix. Enjoy!

"Did your father request for you to attend this dance?" Gladiolus asked as he took a sip of wine. "I'm sure you're old enough to make your own decisions right?"

"I..." You lowered your head and sighed. "I don't really seem to have much of a choice. My father seems to be rather happy when I listen to him. Otherwise, he would nag like crazy. My mother always hated it before and would usually bother me afterwards about it."

"Oh," Gladiolus laughed. "I see. Go figure. When you're angry with someone, you rant to me until I have to give the person a pep talk. Like father, like daughter."

You glared at Gladiolus and smacked his arm lightly. "You don't have to be so honest. I'd rather you not mention that ever again."

"But I enjoy the rants. They're cute." He joked around.

"Ugh. Sometimes I wonder why we are even friends to begin with." You rolled your eyes and nodded. "I'll see you later. Try not to get too drunk. I'm sure your friends need you."

"Same goes for you. Tell the ladies I said hello, but I mean..not like I actually have eyes for any of them. Just trying to be friendly is all." He chuckled and turned away to pick at the food.

Gladiolus. Where do you begin?

You and Gladiolus both attended the same classes through every year of  school. It was either fate or doom, knowing how rough and blunt Gladiolus could be. He was your punching bag when you were angry and your open ear when you felt the need to pour your heart out about the horrible school lunches. His younger sister, Iris, loved you dearly. She had always accompanied you when she had the chance to - disregarding the fact that her brother might have not wanted the extra company. You had considered these two to be very close to your heart.

"Will do." You laughed and began to wander through the crowd.

Suddenly... there was a strong grip on your right arm causing you to turn your head. It was a man you had never seen before. He had very bright, blue eyes and ash brown hair. He had a built figure and a pleasant smile. "Are you Miss (F/N)?"

"...who might you be?" You immediately questioned, pulling away your arm from his firm grip.

"Creux De Monse. A pleasure to be standing before you my lady." The man smiled once more and bowed. "Your father requested that I personally greet you. I assume you have no one to dance with yet, correct?"

"I was never the type to attend dances." You replied with a sigh. "I apologize Mr. De Monse but I should be accompanying my friends now."

"But that can wait." He attempted to grab your arm once more and you quickly reacted by smacking his hand away. "I'll be taking my leave now."

"You dare smack my hand away? How lowly of a princess can you actually be?" Creux rose his voice angrily. "You imprudent young wen-"

"The insults stop right there, sir." A familiar voice interrupted.

You turned your head towards the voice and realized it was Gladiolus, with Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis behind him. He stepped in between the two of you and shook his head. "Leave the lady be. She wishes to be with her friends so allow it. If I remember correctly, her father requested that you greet her and nothing more."

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