Crawler; Known as the slowest, and dumbest, zombie causing them to be the least dangerous when alone. But Crawlers form big groups, where the sheer number of them make up for the speed and other abilities.
Predators; This species of zombie can follow their prey for weeks on end, hiding in the shadows, keeping the prey looking behind their backs constantly. Most of the time the victim won't know their being followed until the predators teeth have sunk in their neck. They enjoy the idea of causing pain to the victim.
Crier; Criers can be heard for miles, their song like howls calling to brave hunters They are harmless from a distance, as their slow pace makes them easy to pick off, but when in close range their ear piercing howls can cause nauseous and in rare cases eardrum trauma, causing the victim to pass out.
Expectorater; This zombie is considered the most leathal from a distance, killing or turning their prey from the acidic saliva. For an unwary hunter this could be lethal as they expectorater leaves their dangerous saliva in the most unexpected places.
Mercy; Being the most perculiar species, these zombies are the most humane of the known species. They will follow their prey, until they are too ill or weak to carry on, gently biting from at a vital artery, and holding them until they turn. They dont devour their prey, and fight off any zombie who will.
Bloater; These are the oldest and can be from any species above. They are given their name because they appear to be bloated or inflated versions of the younger zombies. Because of this they are harder to kill but no more harmful.
CasualeAn infection is spreading across the world, turning humans into beasts. Groups of survivors have turned into each others enemies killing stragglers off and fighting back against the forever growing community of zombies.