RJ 4-Jack and Lily

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She is the girl
That i fall in love
She call me Noodle
When others call me gorgeous

She is the girl
That i hate so much
Cause she can make me blush
And upset me in the other second

She is the girl
That i always long for
She said she is not pretty
Well,who said she is pretty?
She said she hate me
Well,who said i love her too?
She is so...

She is the girl
That i’ve been waiting for

Call me Noodle,
Call me annoying,
Call me darling,
Call me jerk,
Even call me Jack,
I hate Rose,
But i love Lily..
This is not titanic to have Rose and Jack
This is Ally and TZ
I don’t mind being a Jack
If you don’t mind being my Lily


From : Ikhlas Dari Hati

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