Chapter Three ❅

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   "Niall, Liam, I need your help! Please, I beg you!" I pleaded to my father's helpers. They were both elves, but quite tall for being elves. Except for Niall, he's the shortest.

   "Sorry mate, we can't interfere with finding your love. Mr. Claus has already talked to us about this." Liam shrugged. I let out a noise of frustration and sat down in the red plush chair next to the fireplace.

   "Well, if you'll excuse us mate, we've got to get back to work." Niall patted me on the shoulder and left. After he left, I came up with a brilliant idea. Niall, you may have just solved my problem, I thought to myself.



     "Hi, Claire." I stumbled over to the front desk. She looked up at me smiling, but when she saw what a mess I looked like, she frowned.

   "Aww, honey, what's wrong?"

   "Harry and I had a fight. That's all. Nothing important." I tried my best at faking a smile. She understood that I didn't want to talk further into the problem and signed me in. I made my way to my office, and when I turned the corner I saw Harry in my office through the glass. Shit.

   I opened the door to my office and ignored Harry until I sat at my desk. "How can I help you Harry?" I tried my best to act as if I was doing something important on my computer and began typing loudly.

   He sighed before speaking, "I'd like to give you your key back." I looked up and Harry reach into his suit pocket and pulled out a key chain. He tossed the key chain on the desk. "I'm sorry for what I did." He looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet around.

   "Thank you Harry.." I whispered. "I hate to say this.. But, I don't think.. We can work out. Just not right now anyways." I looked up to see his expression but his face held no emotion, even his eyes.

   "Very well then. I have some papers I need you to work on." He stated and went to the door. "Oh," He turned around in the doorway, "you're also working late tonight. Have a good day." He finished and exited through the door. I pressed my lips into a thin line and forced myself not to say anything to get fired. Bitch.

   I started to actually work on my computer when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I told them without looking up. They walked in, closing the door behind and stood in front of my desk. "How can I help you?" I asked looking up. When I looked up I was expecting Harry, or Claire, but not Louis.

   "Louis! Wow, wha- what are you doing here? You don't work here." I stood up from my desk thoroughly shocked to see him. He flashed his brilliant white teeth at me before speaking. God, his smile.

   "Actually. I do work here. I was hired today." Well this news. And exceptionally good news if I do say.

   "Well then, welcome to the team!" I held out my hand and he gladly took it. I sat back down in my chair and made a gesture for the seat in front of my desk. He looked over and sat down in it.

   "So, how do you like it here so far?" I leaned back in my chair, tired from work already.

   "Good! Excellent even. My office is actually right there." He pointed through the glass and at the office next to mine. Office neighbors? I like that idea.

   "I can get used to that." I thought out loud. Shit! He tilted his head slightly and smirked, "Excuse me, but.. What'd you just say?" He asked.

   "Um nothing! Nothing.." I said a little too quickly and sunk in my seat.

   "Okay." He said obviously not believing my lie. "Well, if you'll excuse me I have work to do, plus I have to work late tonight." He got up from his seat and walked to the door.

   "Wait! Did you say you had to work late?" He stopped at the doorway and turned around.

   "Yeah.. why?"

   "Well.. I have to also." I smiled at him. He smiled back, "Well, can't wait." He replied and went back to his office. Maybe this won't be so bad. Before I forgot, I grabbed my purse and called Claire.

   It rang about three times before she picked up, "Hello? Claire?" I spoke into the phone.

   "Oh, hi Ashley!" She was her perky self.

   "I need you to pick Trent up from his sitter's please. I have to work late." I told her.

   "Okay! No problem. I'll see you after work." I hung up the phone and shoved it back into my purse. I sighed and began getting back to work once again. I was in the middle of working on something, when an email popped up in my inbox. The subject read, 'Peek-a-Boo'. What?

   I opened the email and it read, "Peek-a-Boo, I see you! This is Louis, just letting you know. How's work going for you over there? It's quite boring here. I've probably made about 25 paper airplanes in the last 15 minutes." I smiled to myself, and peeked through the glass and saw Louis starring at me. He quickly looked away and acted busy.

   I quickly typed an email back to him, "I see you too! You're crazy you know that? And over here.. Boring. Just counting down the time till I can get out of here and see my son. 25 airplanes huh? You're talented!" I pressed send, and soon enough I received an email back.

   "Yeah, I know I'm crazy! And son? You have a son? I'd love to see him." And that was that. Louis and I emailed each other back and forth until we had to leave.

   "Well. Today was fun." We were currently standing next to my car in the musty lot.

   "It was. It truly was. Probably the best in awhile." I smiled at him.

   "I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked.

   "Yup. Well, I've got to get going. Bye Louis." I shot him a quick smile and got into the car. I waited until he was in his car to pull out of the lot and drove home.


   "Claire! Trent!" I called when I entered the apartment. I took off my heels and rubbed my throbbing feet. God, those are a pain. I took off my coat and hung it up as Trent came running in.

   "Hi mommy!" He grinned at me. I looked down at him and saw that his eye was purple.

   I kneeled down next to him, "What happened to your eye?" I examined his eye closer.

   He looked down at the ground ashamed, "Someone punched me.." He sniffled.

   "Oh honey. You poor thing. Comer here." I pulled him in closer, and held him tight. "I'm going to go let Claire off and then we can go to sleep, okay? Where is she?" We broke our hug and he pointed down the hallway.

   I went down the hall and found her in the bathroom draining the tub. "Hi Claire, you can go now." She smiled up at me, and put Trent's toy down. She stood up and told me goodnight then left.


   I got Trent dressed and we both got into my bed together. He cuddled into me, and I kissed his head. "Goodnight Trent." I whispered.

   "Goodnight mommy. I love you,"

   "I love you too sweety, I love you too.."


Hi guys, so, I'M CONTINUING! c:

I've found new inspiration! :D


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