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It felt like the whole world came crashing down when the doctor announced that Pranchal has gone into coma.


This can't be happening. This is just so sick. It has been three days since the doctors announced that Pranchal has gone into come. Since that day Rohan haven't left her side at all. He is like glued to his seat.

"Rohan let's go. It has been three days, and you haven't eaten anything since then." I said.

"I don't want to go."he said. His voice was plane.

"It's not like she'll wake up if you are by her side."I snapped.

Yes. I was a bit rude or maybe more than a bit. But he needs to understand that he have to eat something other wise he'll get sick. He looks like a freaking zombie. His eyes are red from not sleeping and he looks pale.

"How am I suppose to leave her side when this is all because of me."he snapped back. "She is lying here, in coma, because of me."

"What are you saying?"

"She was going to the market when she got hit by the car." he said. "I sent her. It was for me. I want her to pick up your gift and keep it in your room as a surprise. I sent her."


"If I would have gone by myself the  she all this...wouldn't have happened."

"Rohan it wasn't your fault."

"I could have stopped It Sage."


"Just leave Sage. I don't want to hear anything."

"Rohan please...."

"Leave."he screamed. I flinched. He got up from his seat and left the room slamming the door.

I stood there motionless, shocked. What the heck just happened? It was like wave of realisation hit upon me. Pranchal is in this condition because she was going to get MY birthday present. She is here because....

....of me.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Quickly I wiped it and left the room. I exit the hospital and hailed a cab.

"Kidhar jana hai?" (where you want to go?)the driver asked.

"Graveyard."I answered. He nodded and drove towards the graveyard.

The guilt was eating me from inside. I walked up to Karam's grave and sat down beside it pulling my legs to my chest. I stared at the words on his grave as tears rolled down from my eyes soaking my cheek.

"Sage..."someone called my name. I turned around and saw Veer standing few steps away from me with a frown on his face.

"Its my fault."I stated weakly.

"Sage...it isn't your fault."he said walking up to me.

"Yes it is. Karam is dead because of me. Pranchal is in coma because me. It is my fault. I killed my own twin and I nearly killed Pranchal."

"You didn't. It was an accident. An ACCIDENT. You didn't know that the car will hit Karam. You didn't know that it will hit Pranchal either. Heck you wasn't even there today when it happened."

"I pushed Karam. Pranchal was out buying MY birthday present. Directly or indirectly it was my fault Veer." with that I broke down again. 

Veer wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back in soothing way.

"shh...t isnt your fault Sage. It isnt your..." he kept on repeating those words and I kept sobbing. I dont know how much I cried because eventually I dozed off and when I woke up I was in my room, tugged in my bed. My head was aching maybe due to the amount of tears I shed. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror which was in front of my bed.

Boy I look hideous. My eyes were red and cheeks were tear stained. My  hair was a nest. I look pathetic. I got up and decided to take a bath.

Memories of the hospital came back crashing. I felt the urge to cry again. But I didn't because I have to be string. For myself and for Rohan. Though he doesn't want to talk to me but I have to be there for him. He needs me, he is broken right now, and I can feel him, he almost lost his sister. I can feel his pain.

With the new mantra to be strong I started my day.


Hello people

Sorry am a bit late. But yesterday I didn't got the time to write. You see my phone isn't working so I have write from my computer which is not at all easy.


Happy new year people

Love you lots
Shafaque 😘💕

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