But it's Christmas...You're supposed to be here! (Part 1) - Gianluca

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New York.

The snowflakes were dancing in the air till they fell gracefully on the branches of the magnificent Christmas tree in the middle of Times Square. A young couple was walking hand in hand, talking and laughing excitedly.

His green eyes were sparkling as they watched her dance to the song he was humming. He joined her and sang louder. The couple drew the attention of a handful of people who applauded the beautiful voice and the harmonious moves. When the song finished, the man lifted up the woman and swirled her around. He loved seeing the wrinkles in her eyes when she laughed. Her feet finally touched the ground and she tiptoed, ran her fingers through his hair and brought him closer, into a deep, passionate kiss that earned the crowd's cheer.

The fire crackled loudly, bringing you back to reality. You had sank so deeply into your daydream that you nearly spilled the hot chocolate all over you. The movie you were watching, "The Holiday", was well into its middle part. The big vintage clock on the wall informed you that it was only a bit after 22:00.

What a wasted Christmas Eve.

Women your age were enjoying themselves at parties with their friends and boyfriends, they weren't staying at home, alone, like you. It was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, yet you had never felt more lonely and sad before. Gian was in New York promoting the album with the boys, singing and giving interviews, while you were stuck there thanks to work.

"Dimmi che mai…"

"Speaking of the devil", you thought.

You paused the movie and picked up the phone from the coffee table, laying back on the couch.

"Ciao amore!"

"Ciao Gian", you replied halfheartedly.

"What's wrong darling? How are you?"

"I'm OK I guess. I've made some hot chocolate and I'm watching «The Holiday» tucked under a blanket."

"Sounds idyllic", he noted.

"Yeah", you bit your lip, debating internally whether to complain to him for the millionth time or not, "only if one is not alone."

"(Y/n), amore we have talked about this."

He sounded sorrowful as well, but one of you had to make logic prevail. And that one would always be Gian.

"We agreed that I would be away during Christmas, but after the holidays we'd have two whole months to ourselves, before-"

"Before you go on tour again", you interrupted him.

"Yes, before I go on tour again", he repeated, realizing that nothing he could say would make up for missing the Christmas holidays. For missing so much time with you.

"Gian, I know it comes with the package, but sometimes I just miss you too much. All this is just too much."

It wasn't rarely that the distance made you doubtful about this relationship, yet every single time you were reunited, you were reminded of just how blessed and lucky you were to have found a guy like Gianluca. Just as you were about to give up on everything, you were falling deeper in love with him and it became harder and even more painful to part from each other.

"I know, I know amore. Believe me there isn't one moment of every day that I don't wish with all my heart and soul that I were there with you."

"But it's Christmas Gian… You're supposed to be here with me."

A lone tear escaped your eyes. Great, you thought. The last thing you wanted was to have a crying session on the phone with Gian and make him even more sad.

"I promise that, from next year, we'll never be apart during the holidays."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Gian. You can't know what will happen in the future. We might have even broken up by Christmas next year!"

"Should I be worried by this?", he asked half joking half serious.

"No! God no! I'm just saying that anything can happen in a year."

"Trust me on this. Christmas next year we'll be together and happier than ever. If you want to of course. Besides, I'm sure your Christmas present will redeem my absence."

"Aw, darling you didn't need to get me anything!"

"Nonsense! You know I like spoiling you. Oh, speaking of presents, I got a message from dear old Santa Claus. He complained that he can't deliver your gift properly because you've lit the fireplace. He just dropped it at your doorstep."

A foolish smile formed on your lips. That was one of the zillion reasons you loved this man, he could make you smile no matter what you were going through.

"Gianluco, I'm too old to believe in Santa."

"My dear (y/n), Santa exists as long as you believe in him. I'm sure that if you open the door you will find exactly what you wished for this year from him."

You chuckled in disbelief. A part of you wanted to open the door just to prove him wrong, but the other secretly prayed for the first time really after your childhood's years that Santa did indeed exist and had brought you what you wished with all your heart that year. Him.

"I'll enjoy it so much when I open the door and it's just snow and carol singers roaming the streets."

You heard him ask "wanna bet" before you opened the door and stood shocked, speechless, with your jaw dropped in awe.

"SURPRISE! I'm your present!"

You closed and opened your eyes slowly, even pinched yourself, but he was still there at your doorstep, whole and real, waiting with his arms open for you to fall into his embrace.

He almost lost his balance, but managed to lift you up and swirl you around in the midst of laughter. Just like in your daydream, he put you down slowly and locked his green eyes with yours, sealing the moment with a deep, passionate kiss that enclosed all the kisses you wouldn't give in a lifetime.

As you broke apart, you took a moment and, with closed eyes, allowed yourself to feel his warmth, get lost in his scent and grasp the fact that that Christmas would actually be a time of happiness and joy.

"Told you you need to believe in Santa for your wish to come true. It's all part of the Christmas magic."

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