But it's Christmas... You're supposed to be here! - Part 2 - Gianluca

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Cinnamon, ginger, coffee.

"It's Christmas!", you thought and that was something definitely worth getting out of bed for.

With your eyes still closed, you took a deep breath and let the different smells take over your senses, stretched and got up. The bedroom was literally a mess. Between tangked clothes and an open suitcase you spotted your PJs,put them on and headed straight to the kitchen.

Gianluca was preparing what looked like cinnamon rolls, while swinging to "have a holly jolly Christmas". You hugged him from behind to scare him and let your body follow his movements, trying to sing with him, an attempt that earned his laughter after the song was finished.

"Merry Christmas amore mio!"

"Merry Christmas Gianlu!"

The wishes were followed by a kiss that ended in wide smiles.

"Really? Santa Claus pyjamas?"

"Come on Gian! You know I need to get all festive around Christmas! It is my favorite time of the year after all."

He only answered with A chuckle and continued preparing breakfast.

"What time did you wake up to make all this anyways?"

"Around six, which is weird considering that Italy is like 6 hours ahead of New York."

"Well darling, excuse me for saying this, but after traveling from Italy to Australia, then New York and back to Italy, it's a given that your sleeping schedule would be a mess."

"Guess you're right... Anyway, go sit under the Christmas tree and I'll bring breakfast in a second. It's time to open some presents", he announced with a goofy smile.

"But I didn't get you anything, you know considering that you wouldn't be coming home till after New Year's day."

"You know (y/n), the problem with you is that you jump too quickly into conclusions. You assume that I don't have any presents to receive, but in reality I still have Santa's gift and let's just say that, for me to get it, you need to give him a hand."

"Aren't you a little too mysterious these days?"

He made a funny face and urged you out of the kitchen. Five minutes later he came into the living room carrying a tray with everything he had prepared and placed in on the coffee table, sitting down beside you.

"What you said last night on the phone got me really worried", he began.

"Why? What did I say?"

"That we might not be together by next Christmas."

"Aw honey, you know I didn't mean it. I was just trying to make a point out of my whining."

"I know, but, nevertheless, only the thought of it got me scared. Whenever I think of the future and make plans, you're always there. Your presence is somehow a given, there is no question mark nor any doubt. Realizing that there is even a slight possibility of the opposite made me feel like my whole life was over."

That was definitely something you didn't expect hearing that Christmas morning. Yes, you did feel the same about him, always including him in your future plans, not to mention all your dreams for a big family, but you tried to be realistic. There was always a chance that you would break up. Gian was always away, met new people, celebrities, models, and, although you hated to accept stereotypes and traditional gender roles, he was still a man away from his girlfriend. No matter how much he loved you, for which you had absolutely no doubt.

All the times you complained to him about the distance and considered ending the telationship because of it made you now feel bad and cruel. Of course it would hurt him the same way and even harder whenever he had to walk away from the airport control. He was leaving behind a family, a girlfriend, friends, home, yet he always had to wear a bright smile on his face. Of course it would hurt him to spend Christmas away from his loved ones and your last night's whining would only worsen his pain and nostalgy.

"Baby, I promise you, as far as I am concerned, you won't be getting rid of me that easily."

He chuckled and locked eyes with you.

"Thank God for that!"

The atmosphere certainly needed to become lighter, so you inquired about his wish from Santa.

"Well, seeing that you made me feel so hopeless last night, I only asked him for one word," he answered as he retrieved something from his pocket. "Three letters."

He held tightly the little box and bit his lip, before he opened it to reveal a truly magnificent engagement ring. Little diamonds were tied around an oval rose quartz stone on a silver band.

It was the second time in twelve hours that you were struck by awe. Now it all made sense, the surprise, his confession, everything. Your dropped jaw and the lone tear that had escaped gave him, along with a small smile, the courage he didn't know he needed to ask the burning question.

"Will you marry me?"

Your hands tried to cover your reaction in vain, covering your open mouth. More and more tears started streaming down your cheeks, despite any attempts to hold them back. Each nod was more certain, till you regained the ability to speak and answered properly.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes I will marry you!"

His eyes brightened up and sparkled in excitement as he put the ring on your finger. It really was the perfect one for you, Piero and Ignazio were right. You took a moment to admire it, but Gian was constantly distracting you, trying to steal a kiss. You pushed him away, but he pulled you towards him, resulting in both of you landing on the floor in the midst of giggles.

"You'll have your whole life to look at it!"

"And we will have our whole lives to kiss."

"Yes, but even a lifetime with you seems too little for me", he said with smirk.

"I'll bring this up when I'm an old, wrinkled grandma. Let's see what you'll say then...!"

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