A different gift from Santa Claus - Ignazio

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The silk red fabric slid on your body and hugged it delicately, highlighting the thin figure. You took a look in the mirror and touched your flat belly. Soon you would have to give up tight clothes for looser and see your body transform to provide the perfect home for your baby.

What an unexpected gift, you had to admit. The timing could not have been any better. Just in time for Christmas. A week ago the first symptoms alarmed you and only two days ago did the news come. Next Christmas there would be a new member in your family.

However, you tried not to get overly excited, considering what had happened six months ago. Both you and Ignazio wished for a baby to complete your family and happiness and your wish was finally granted seven months ago. It seemed though that it wasn't meant to be. The miscarriage wrecked both of you and proved difficult to get over. You avoided even thinking about trying again for a baby and both resolved to work to keep your minds busy.

Ever since you found out you wished with all your heart and soul that this time would turn out positively, because, frankly, both Ignazio and you needed some good news. Knowing that your husband would transform into a child every Christmas, you couldn't help but take the opportunity and make the announcement even more special.


He was calling for you from the living room downstairs. Good, you thought, the plan is on track.

"I'm coming Igna."

One minute later you climbed down the stairs and saw him waiting for you in the hall, handsome as ever in his black tux and white shirt. A sweet smile formed on his face as soon as he saw you that made your heart skip a beat as always.

"Wow. I never thought you could look more beautiful than how you look everyday, but you never seize to amaze me", he noted and kissed your cheek.

"Aw stop it, you'll make me blush! I hope we're not running late, I'd hate to keep everyone waiting at your parent's house for us."

"Don't worry we're on time. Actually, I was just picking up everyone's gifts from underneath the christmas tree when I noticed something and wanted to ask you about it. Why is there a third stocking above the fireplace?"

"A third stocking? I don't recall putting up a third one. For whom would it be anyway", you asked supposedly surprised.

"Here, come and see for yourself."

He led you to the living room and walked to the fireplace to get the stocking.

"Does it have anything inside?"

The plan was going perfect, you thought, while he dag his hand into the stocking, making a grimace as he tried to retrieve its content.

"There's an envelope. Oh, it's addressed to us. «to Mr and Mrs Ignazio Boschetto»", he read.

"Open it then, what are you waiting for?"

"Dear (y/n), dear Ignazio", he began reading, "me and the elves have found it a very hard business to find a suitable gift for you. You have been at the top of the «nice» list and you have had quite a rough year, so nothing seemed good enough for you. Until of course we realized what your hearts' deepest and most secret desire was. My gift to you will be a few months late, but a little peek won't hurt anyone.

With the best wishes from everyone at the North Pole, Mrs Claus, the elves, Rudolph and of course mine, have a merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous new year!

Santa Claus

P.s. I took the liberty of changing your Christmas card. I'm sure you'll like the new version of it."

His confused look worthed all the Christmases in the world. Frowning, he folded the letter and put it back into the envelope.

"What was that all about?"

"I don't know, maybe the Christmas card will enlight us in some way?"

He had already taken the Christmas card out of the envelope and tried to discover any possible alterations. The familiar picture of the two of you beside the Christmas tree didn't give him any clues. He took a closer look, but still everything seemed the same. He was behind you, with his arms around your waist and his head resting on your right shoulder.

"Nothing here", he concluded and proceeded to search the card's inside pages.

"Merry Christmas from the -almost- three of us", he read out loud. "The almost three of us", he repeated throwing a questioning look towards you, a smile slowly forming on his face.

You beamed at him and nodded many times till you were sure he had registered the news.

He looked at the card in his hands and at then you, his eyes staying a bit longer on your flat belly, his lips slightly parted from the surprising news. With cautious moves he put everything he was holding on the coffee table, made his right hand a fist and brought it in front of his mouth to cover it and chuckled, slowly walking towards you.

"This", he said with a broken voice, pointing at your belly while trying to hold back his tears, "is going to turn out fine this time. I promise you." He spoke slowly, emphasizing every word for you to hear.

You nodded smiling and let the tears finally slide down your cheeks. He wiped them with his thumb, but more came, so he gave up and instead leaned in and gave you a passionate kiss. When your lips drew apart, he lifted you up and swirled you around, shouting in excitement that he was going to be a father and that your family would finally be complete.

With a lot of protesting from you he finally put you down and kissed you again, putting one hand around your neck and resting the other protectively on your belly.

"This is the greatest Christmas ever!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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