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I look out the window into the bright city lights I loved the city. The city I lived in was New York City. I suddenly wonder where trevor is he has blond hair and hazel eyes he is a lot taller than me he is 6 0' Im only 5 4'.
"Ashley trevor is here" my mother yells
"send him up" I yell in response.
When trevor gets to my room he smiles lightly then says "sorry i'm late".
"Oh you're late I had no idea" i say sarcastically
"whatever" he retorts.
"Trevor the reason I wanted you here is I need to tell you something" I say sadly "what is it" he asks there's a long pause
"I'm breaking up with you" I say looking down, not wanting to see his face. It's silent for a bit then he says
"no you're not"
''yes I am" I say. That's when I look at him scared he grabs my arm hard and says
"no you are not". I pull away from his grip and he slaps me hard I feel instant pain I know i'm going to have a bruise. When Trevor leaves I put ice on my face to help stop the bruising because I can't go to school with a big bruise on my face I don't want anyone to find out except maybe max. I look in the mirror to see what it looks like it's red and a bruise is starting to form, of course there a bruise. I also notice my black wavy hair is messy and my normally ice blue eyes are darker than in usual probably because of the colours I'm wearing. When I wake up I remember I have school today so I get ready.My school is big it also has metal detectors, for safty. I run up to my best friend max she is beautiful compared to me, everyone actually. she has dark brown wavy hair and bright big green eyes.
"Hey" I say to her happily she smiles her hello back.
"Max I love your eyeliner" I say
"thanks,cutie" she says smiling. There is a long pause
"He did it again" I say suddenly the smile on her face fades away.
"I'm so sorry you need to break up with him" she says with such sadness in her voice.
"I tried that's why he did it" as I say this a tear ices it's way down my face I run off into the bathroom. Max runs in after me she hugs me and tells me
"it will be okay" over and over till I calm down. The bell rings for our lunch period I don't feel like eating but max says
"want to get pizza"and I changed my mind I payed half for it. she says to me
"you should call the cops"
"no I can't he'll get mad" I respond
"Yes you can't get hurt anymore by him" she yells while standing up.
"It's my life I will do what I want stop controlling me"
She looks at me shocked and angry
"fine I won't anymore bye" she retorts and walks away.

When I get home I run up to my room and cry into my pillow so no one can hear me today has been horrible I can't believe max hates me. To deal with my sorrow a bad idea comes to mind but I Ignore it. When my mom calls me for dinner I tell her
"I'm not hungry thanks" so she doesn't make me eat. I walk downstairs to see my mom to ask if I can go take my car and drive around town I'm 16. After some convincing she let's me she's always so worried because she doesn't want me getting into a car accident .Then I remember some stole my car radio (yes my car is that old) I wanted to listen to music but now I can't, whatever I'll just do it on my phone I check it and it's at 10 percent. I plug in my phone then leave, the reason I wanted the music to forget about today you know how some people have bad habits to help them. As I'm driving I can't help but think about that argument I had with max I feel so bad about it. She's been my best friend for a long time and...I like her more then a best friend. I will never be her girlfriend though because my mom LOVES trevor although she doesn't know about him abusing me. I want to tell her but I can't trevor would kill me or like my friend said call the cops. When i'm done my little drive I find my mom and trevor at the table.
"Hello" trevor says to me I go and sit at the table.
"Hi" say back my mom says
" I just love that you and trevor are dating" I look at her and smile
"me too". Even though I don't really care for trevor ever.Since the start mine and trevor's relationship, it's been toxic since the start. As I sit there my mom and trevor talk I wasn't really listening till i heard my mom say
"I don't really like that friend of hers,maxine"
"it's Max and I happen to like her,thanks for your opinion though" I snap back. She looks at me with disapproval, she never liked Max because apparently
"she's a bad influence on me". I don't think she is,she makes me happy. Suddenly I speak
"trevor can you go I have homework to do it's not very fun". Then he gets up and says "bye see you later at 9:00". My phone goes off, Max. it says
"ash, that project we have is due tomorrow"
I text back
"yeah I know I was going to finish it right now".
"Let me help you" she texts back. I don't know what to part of me wants to be mad but the other part wants to let her come over that part wins.
"Ok come over". I tell my mother she approves even though she doesn't like Max.
"hey" she says when we get up to my room before I can speak she says
" look i'm sorry if it felt like i was being controlling I just don't want you to get hurt". It's silent for a long time. When i was going to speak I get cut off by max putting her lips on mine. As we kiss, suddenly I hear a gasp then I feel my hair getting pulled back. I get thrown toward my dresser and my head smashes off it I can hear as well for a little. I hear shouts and screams then I grab the lamp that's on my dresser I hit the person that did all this,trevor. When he turns around he looks furious
"why would you cheat on me" he yells! I don't say anything I just hit him hard in the face with the lamp. He looks terrified when I see his face. That's when the blood starts going in my face, it must be from my head. Suddenly I hear near deffing whoops. Police,when I look over max has her phone in her hand. When I look back to Trevor he is just sitting there it's like he knows he has been caught there is nothing left for him to do. When the police arive my mother is very confused I can't believe she didn't hear the screams. She was probably watching movies on her laptop. The police take him away. I won't miss him though. My mom is crying and saying over and over again
"I can't believe this he is a nice boy, max must be lying". The police are gone and so is Max. My mom of course thinks max is lying. After the police thing she asks me to come sit down at the table.
"What" I say. She looks at me with disappointment.
"Did Trevor actually hurt you and Max or are you lying"
" MOM of course he did why would I lie to you about something like that".
She was about to speak but I cut her off.
"Mom I don't like trevor I like someone else".
" that's why you lied"
"No mom I didn't lie you see the cut on my head".
"Who do you like then"
"Max". if you saw the look in my mother's face you would run far far away.
"Pack your stuff and get out of my house"
I pack my stuff and go to Max's house. Her mom lets me in after I tell her what happened. Max's mom was so much nicer than my mom. I head upstairs to go to Max's room. I tell her what happened.
"Don't worry you can stay here forever I hope" she says. I smile thinking at the thought of being with Max forever.
"Of course" she smiles I loved seeing her smile. She gives me that look then puts her lips on mine and I loved the after taste. I loved her with all my heart and I hoped she felt the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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