Geoffry Baker Middle School

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If you live in Caramel, Ny, chances are you'll be attending, are attending, or have attended GBMS. Now, most middle schools are utter crap. This is just an example of what most 9-14 year olds experience every year until they turn 15 and go to the even worse high school. I, myself am a pubescent, acne riddled, sarcastic juvenile. And let's get something straight- I AM A REAL PERSON. I AM NOT A CHARACTER. Ok? I even have some friends on this platform that go to the school. (You know who you are).

Ok so, first thing you need to know is that, the school is mostly white and Hispanic kids. More white than hispanic though. The other population is every other minority. Sorry to get racial on ya but it had to happen. But the most important thing you need to know is that your grade level will be run by the populars. Most of everything is. Don't try telling yourself that you're special, because that will not help. And while you might be substantially better than them at being a decent human being, you will never be popular, unless you become friends with one of them-boy or girl-, and trust me I've tried and failed. And if you are a popular kid, than, I pity you. I know what you're thinking, 'what does this girl know about popularity?' Well I'll tell you. The fact is that when I first got into middle school I had just moved to Caramel from Brooklyn, NYC. So I didn't have many friends. Luckily I had a friend living there who would help me out. But you, see what I didn't realize at at the time, was, that she was a popular kid. But, me being me, I didn't know how things worked and not to be friends with her and her little group. I bought the music they liked, dressed like them, hung out with them, I even became a cheerleader. I know, I know. Very stereotypical Amber! Oh, I just realized I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Amber Bravo. Anyways, yeah, I was a cheerleader for one horrifying year of my life. By the time I figured out the system, it was too late. So yeah, I made a fool of myself by cheering on the football players who I knew didn't like me and thought I was a loser. And you know what? They are right! I am a loser and I like it that way. I can stay out of the spotlight and out of the way. I live my life and observe from a far with my fellow non-popular friends. Someone is going to read this book and tell me to 'reject the status quo, be yourself and be kind and everything will be fine', But please, save your breath. I'm pessimistic and I'll stay that way, thank you. I want to stay out of anyone's way and live my life so that I can make it in this world. And if I have to fist fight anyone to keep it that way, than fine.

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