Chapter 37

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HAYYYY SO I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY!!!!! I got a YouTube but I don't know if I should post my trailer or not because yes I made a trailer,so please comment what you think! THANKS DOLL!!

Life. Death. Friends. My brain repeats those meaningful words in my head. I see us begin to spin off the bridge,I have no choice,so I open the door.

I know if I don't do this we'll both die,and there's no time to page Harry. In the split second we off the bridge into mid air,I jump out.

I brace myself for the cold,stinging,pain. 3,2,1. Ouch. I let out a muffled,breathless scream. I fall into the ice cold water,and immediately swim back up.

I gasp and look around,thats when I spot our sinking car. I swim as fast as I can towards it,the only way to save Harry is to smash open that window.

The top goes under and I follow it down,the car sinking quickly. Grabbing hold of the top bars I fling myself down to the window.

There Harry sits,eyes closed. The heat running through my body causes me to throw my fist against the glass hard.

It stays in one piece and I hit again,only leaving a crack through the window. This time it's hard and painful,but it works.

I feel myself loosing air as I reach in and unbuckle Harry. His body is heavy and obviously cold,the glass on edges of the window skinning him as I pull him through.

I'm loosing air every second and I don't know if I can carry him all the way out of the water while swimming. My legs are the only source of power while I drag Harry out of the water.

My only goal is to get Harry out of the water and breathing,only goal. Just as I begin to reach the top I notice splashing from in front of me,4 legs.

"LIAM!"I hear a yell as my body is lifted halfway onto a thin board. "G-get Harry."I mumble weakly. "We got him Liam,we got him."I hear another voice say.

"N-no,you have to get Harry."I say again. "We have him Liam."a voice says. "G-get...Harr-"my voice fades,and I slip into a dark slumber.

Zayn's POV

"LIAM! HARRY!" I run to the shore of the lake. "He's konked out and so is Harry."Niall drags Liam off of the small board. "I've started a fire."Candie says limping over to help us. She sprang her ankle jumping out of the car.

"Who knows CPR!"Louis yells. "Me."Candie kneels down next to Harry and Liam. She inhales and then starts pressing her fingers to Liam's chest. She mumbles numbers to herself and repeatably does the same thing. Till finally Liam coughs. "Liam!"She yells. He starts breathing normally but just goes to sleep instantly.

She laughs and starts on Harry,same thing happens and we carry them into the woods by the fire.

"I don't know what was wrong with Liam,he just kept saying 'Get Harry,get Harry'."Louis says. "Yea I think he lost too much oxygen to the brain."says Niall.

"Here."Candie takes off her scruffy jacket and wraps it around Liam,then rips off her sweater and wraps it around Harry,leaving her only in a thin t-shirt and jeans.

"No put those back on."Louis says. "I'll use my jacket."he adds. "Okay but Liam keeps my jacket."Candie insists. Louis nods and takes off his jacket.

Me and Niall also take ours off and put them on the boys. "It's dark,we should probably get to sleep,so we're energized for tomorrow."Candie says.

We all spread out around the fire,except me. I stayed up to watch the fire.

As I sit up against the tree I can't stop blaming myself. I should've been there,I should've known how to swim,we would've got there sooner.

I remember jumping and immediately noticing Liam hasn't jumped yet. Then I noticed they were getting awfully close to the bridge,so I ran. So did everybody else,except Candie. I ran back to help her down the hill since she sprang her ankle.

We got down at the lake shore and saw the car dive into the lake once it hit the bridge. Then we saw Liam,he jumped. Because he knew it was the only way to save him and Harry.

Louis and Niall already had it figured out,they found a scrap piece of wood and tied it to a rope then to theirselves so they could swim out there without having to hold on to the wood.

As for me and Candie,we built a fire in the woods. We chose deeper into the woods for more protection,it may sound stupid but it felt better than being in the open.

So here I am now,feeling guilty for what? Not knowing how to swim? Well that's just the honest truth.

"Z-Zayn?"I snap back into reality when I hear somebody call my name. "HARRY!"I scream/whisper and kneel down to hug him. "W-What's going on?"he moans. "Liam saved you."I smile. "Oh."he smiles back. "Cool."he rolls back over and closes his eyes.

I laugh and sit back down on a log. Still waiting for Liam to wake up,he's breathing so I guess I should just leave him be. Then I start thinking about Perrie.

Crap,why did I have to start thinking about her now? The last thing I can remember was telling her I was going to the police station,and I lied.

She means the world to me and I let her down. Now she probably hates me for lying,I'm a terrible person and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life. For however long that will be.

"What are you thinking about?"I look down at a grinning Liam. "Liam!"I scream/whisper.

"So what's bothering you?"he asks standing up to sit by me. "What the heck man?"I ask. "I've been watching you for a while,you seem troubled."he says.

"What's not to be troubled about?"I sigh. We just sit in a dead silence. "Thankyou."Liam smiles. "What do ya mean?"I ask.

"Thanks for being there for me."

I throw my arms around him and give him a great big hug. "I love you Leeyumm."I say with a happy grin. "As do I."he laughs and lays down on the ground.

As I sit in silence I hear a burning sound,like a fire. A little more light shines on the trees around me.

I turn around slowly afraid of what I'll see. That's when I see it. The big, burning,orange


Okay I hope this is long enough,cuz apparently my chapters are too short. Cough*Sister*Cough. Anyways please comment if I should post my trailer or not. And I'm not saying it's good,but my other sister(not the who says my chapters are too short)helped me make it.

Oh and go read my new book. "I'll be your Princess." Also according to my sister the cover is crapy
😒 Yea she's been a moody Mellon lately.


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