chapter: 10

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I wake suddenly, every thought in high definition. My eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt I knew I slept too long. "Damn! I'm late for work. Arthur will get real mad at me." Quickly jerking out of the bed heading towards the wardrobe.

It's almost a month now I've been working with Arthur and last visited the hospital. I walk towards the bathroom, when my phone rang.

"Oh no! It's Arthur."

"Hello" i mumbled.

"Where have you been Alex? It's almost 9 now."

"I'm sorry, I overslept."

"Quick now!"

"On my way" I responded, quickly taking a shower and heading down towards the car.

"Breakfast is ready ma'am"

"Thank you,but I'm late for work...Arthur must be angry by now."

Without wasting time, I quickly get into the car heading towards the office, when the alarm on my phone notified me of the important meeting that was to take place in the coming five minutes. "How can this slip off my mind?." I spoke Feeling stressed and frustrated, I was Arthur's right hand and my presence at the meeting was important.

Running my fingers through my hair as I ask the driver to increase the pace. "I can't afford to miss this meeting."  Life had totally changed after meeting Arthur. He applied my forms for the online course and also gave me an opportunity to work for him in his company.

First few weeks after my recovery were tough indeed as the company was sinking, merging with Simon was against Arthur's decisions. We had to do everything we could to bring back his late Father's reputation. Although I was from a small village where education was the last thought that would run on people's minds.

If it wasn't for Arthur, I wonder where I'd be wandering right now. As for now, my main priority was to reach for the meeting before it starts. I was quite good with coping up and he wasn't bad either in explaining and training, but his anger issues would freak me out a times.

He had a calm and caring attitude when at home or anywhere out, coming to work gets him all serious and furious, making all the employees fear him as soon as he steps in the office. Thinking about always drew a slight smile on my face and goosebumps all over.

The feeling of never losing him would always click on my head like the fire alarm, I lost everyone I loved and losing him would be no less than dying. He always looked at me with love and cared enough for me when I had none by my side. Yes I had gotten attached to him, but never expressed my emotions. He always saw my irritated, fussy and rude side.

I felt quite guilty for my stupid behaviour towards him, but at the same time I'm sort of protecting him from everyone. Any information to the media about us, would conflict with his business as well as his personal life. 

Especially his mother, who was sort of irritated when she saw us together. She isn't a bad woman, but her classy and broad mind always thought of getting a rich, well educated business lady and a good looking wife for Arthur. I was no where in comparison to that, my simple clothes and ever tied up ponytail would be all for the day unless it's about attending meetings or going out with Arthur.

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