Chapter 11: Serena's Pov

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"Serena! Is it true that you and Calem broke up?!" Miette asked as I opened up my locker.

Of course, you would know, Miette. I looked over at her and sighed. "Yes. We broke up."

There was a hint of smugness in her voice. "Really now? I also heard you cheated on him?"

I frowned. People already know? I didn't think of Calem as a gossiper.

"And what if I did? It wouldn't matter, right? I mean, you are my best friend." I countered as I slammed my locker shut. I shifted my books in my arms to a more comfortable position. "I've got to go, Miette. Bye."

I spun on my heel and walked off. I could feel the cockiness and smugness radiating from Miette. It was obvious I had given her just what she wanted.

Which was Calem.

I sighed and walked into my first period class, Health Class. I collapsed in my seat with a loud sigh, placing my bag next to my desk.

"Rough morning?"

I jumped in my seat and looked to my right. There was a guy sitting there casually.

I eyed him before nodding. "Yes. It has been." I said as I softly sighed.

"I'm Kiawe." He simply said and held out his hand for me to shake.

I gave him a look, but nonetheless shook his hand. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before."

He nodded his. "Yeah, I used to live quite far from here."

I was about to reply when the classroom door slammed open. Both Kiawe and I turned our heads to see Ash stalking towards us.

The look on his face reminded me of this morning with Alain. It was full of jealously.

After Ash had so rudely interrupted Alain and I's introduction, he dragged me across the street, to his car and drove me to school, all while leaving Alain.

I still wonder what happened with Alain. Did he ditch a ride with Tom? Maybe I'll see him around campus sometime.

Ash pulled out the chair next to me and sat in it. "Sup." Does he even bother to care that that is someone else's seat? Well, then again, he's Ash, he probably doesn't.

I grimaced. "Hey."

He looked behind me and nodded his head in Kiawe's direction. "Whose that?"

I looked at Kiawe then back at Ash. "This is Kiawe. He's new here. I just met him right now."

I remember something and gave Ash a confused look. "Wait, what are you doing here? You don't have first period with me." I said as I crossed my arms.

He chuckled and smirked. "Guess what? Now I do."

I gaped. "How? Did you switch classes or something? I swear Ash, if I have you in all of my classes now--"

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart," Ash interrupted.

"Good morning, Class! Sorry I was a bit late, I had some trouble with the office." The teacher burst.

Our teacher's eye seemed to look in our direction and he smiled. "Oh, right! Class, I would like to introduce to you to Ash and Kiawe. Kiawe is new as Ash had just switched classes. Make them feel welcome or we'll have some problems."

The class immediately all twisted in their chairs to get a glimpse of us.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as Ash shot everyone a huge grin, making all the girls in class swoon.

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