Sleeping With An Married Man: Chapter Ten

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Collin’s Pov:

It felt great to kiss Justin again. To feel his lips pressed against mine. It’s been too damn long. He fought against me at the beginning but he gave up and just stood there whimpering. I pulled back still holding his face in my hands feeling my heart swell as his eyes filled with tears. I wiped the tears away before rubbing his lips again before I leaned in to kiss his forehead. “P-Please.” He said once again. I smiled softly. I don’t know who this guy was that he thought he could steal away my Justin away from me but he didn’t love him as much as I did. It was selfish of me to leave Justin without telling him the reason why. That he would be in danger if we were together but now, now I don’t give two shits. Even if Anna was pregnant with my child I wasn’t going to give up the best thing in my life. My parents controlled my whole life in the beginning and it was time that I did something for myself.

“I’m not going to lose you again Justin. I’m going to fight for. I know that I can’t apologize enough and I don’t expect you to forgive me just like that but I am sorry and I do love.” I said staring down at him as he looked everywhere but at me. I pulled up his face so he could see the truth in my words. I knew he knew that what I was saying was true. I couldn’t hide my feelings for him that’s why I moved to a college instead of another high school. I couldn’t hide my feelings and then go back to the way things were. Once I tasted him I couldn’t go back. He was like the forbidden fruit that was too tempting and delicious that I couldn’t help but want more and more and more.

“I-I can’t.” he said softly and even though he didn’t mean to hurt me it did. Was I too late? No, no because he wouldn’t be so unsure of himself.

“Yes you can.” I said rubbing small circles on his back to relax him. I didn’t want him to feel so tense around me. “All you got to do is to expect me. I want you to be with a person that will make you happy and that person is me.”  I said and for a moment I thought he was going to agree but he pushed me away.

You left me.” He said and I felt my heart hurt because I hurt him and I could tell because he was glaring at me with such hatred and sadness. “You left me all alone telling me you didn’t love me that it was just for fun.” He cried and yelled at me. I didn’t know what to say to that because it was true. I didn’t explain anything and I left him there high and dry, “Then this amazing guy comes in my life and tries to make me happy after you left me. He loves me and he proves it every single day.” He shouted as he hit my chest and pushed me.

I allowed him to do that, “I loved you! I gave you everything. I was willing to give you everything!” he shouted as he held onto me. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed med head against his head. “I loved you.” I didn’t comment on the past tense because I knew he was hurting.

“And I love you.”


“You’re late.” As soon as I walked inside Anna was on my ass like flies on cow shit. She stood there right in front of the front door with a glass of wine in hand. She looked fierce and beautiful but she was ugly and harsh on the inside. “You shouldn’t leave your pregnant wife at home alone.” She said as she stood there. She had on a fitted white dress that stood out against her black hair and her fierce green eyes. Who fucking wore a dress in the fucking house!?

I glared at her, “Oh sweetie.” She went to grab my arm but I dodged her but of course she was able to keep up the fake family home, “How was work?” she asked.

“It was ok.” I said simply and tried to head to my office where I could drink myself to sleep.

“You know now that I think about it you have a drinking problem.” Anna hissed and I stopped to turn around to glare at her.

“You are complaining about my drinking problem now!” I shouted but she took with a slide.

“I don’t want my kid surround by a drunk father.” She said making me glare, “You know what. We are going to make this marriage work and our child is going to have a normal life wither you like it or not.” She snapped.

“You think I’m happy!? You think that I want to be stuck with a fucking bitch like you!?” I shouted and she glared at me.

“Well you know what you ain’t all rainbows and unicorns either hot stuff. Only thing you got going for you is last name and your good looks. Without at that you are nothing but another faggot.” I kept quiet because I didn’t know that she knew but I guess she did. “Oh yeah I know all about how you touched a high school student. I should turn your fucking ass into the police but you are worth more out of jail then you are in.”

It was always about money with her and my family. Money this and money that. Everyone was out to be the best and have the most but what about true happiness? What about love?

She took a deep breath as she drank the rest of her wine. “Now that we got our shouting out of our system.” She smiled sweetly at me, “We need to make this relationship work. I don’t give two shits on who sleep with as long as you do it the smart way.” She said and I frowned.

“Are you telling me to have an affair Anna?” she smirked and flicked her hair off her shoulder.

“I don’t care what you call it. I just want you to act like we are a happy married couple but whatever happens behind closed hotel doors stays behind closed doors.” She said, “I don’t care if you sleep with another woman or even a man! Just act like you’re happy.” She said before she left me.

I didn’t know what to say to that.

Anna just told me to have an affair.


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