Another Dream

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       The first thing I understood was the familiar smell of tea as it wafted around me. Suddenly arms were wrapped around my waist. I didn’t have to turn around to know who was there. I leaned back into his arms as he held me tight. He kissed the top of my head and held me for a long while in silence before allowing me to turn around and face him.

        My hands found their way to his face as I got lost in his deep green eyes. I ran my thumbs over his cheeks before pulling him in for a kiss. It was sweet and full of longing, as if we didn’t know we’d next see each other. My hands made their way up to his hair. I started running my hands through his blond locks when we pulled apart.

        “(y/n),” he whispered, his thick English accent showing through and eyes hazed over with love and lust. “God, I’ve missed you, love.”

        “I’ve missed you too, Arthur. I wish I could see you. Really see you…” I trailed off. I had to keep reminding myself that this was all just a dream. I didn’t even know if he really existed or if I made him up. Almost every night, since I was a child, I’ve always found myself in a field of flowers when I dreamt. The last few months, though, have been different. A man my age showed up one night. We knew not how he appeared, just that he had. Every night since, we’ve met in my dreams.

        “Arthur…” I trailed off again, thinking carefully about what I was about to say. “If we somehow met in real life, would you still love me?” There was nothing but silence. I looked up to him staring off into the distance, as if he were imagining the moment.

        “If that were to happen, I’d be the happiest man alive. I’m sure I’d know it’s you at first sight. Of course I’d still love you.” He smiled at me before letting me go.

        ‘Of course he’d say that. It’s exactly what I’d want him to say. What was I thinking to ask?’ I thought to myself before smiling back at him.

        For most of the rest of the night, we sat in our spot in the field and chatted. I played with wildflowers until I made a flower crown. I placed it on his head and laughed a bit. Arthur smiled at me and kissed my forehead. We continued to talk for a while longer before it turned into a heated make out session.

        I ran my hands through his hair as he slid his up under my shirt. We fell to the ground, breaking the kiss only for Arthur to start trailing kisses down my neck. A faint gasp escaped my lips as he found my sweet spot. He looked back up at me with a smirk. He was saying something, but I couldn’t hear. A loud beeping noise filled the dream and, suddenly, I was alone in my room once again.

        I let out a sigh and glared at my alarm clock. Another night, another dream, with Arthur and another morning waking up alone.

        “Arthur,” I whisper to no one. I let out another sigh before getting up to get ready for work. I looked out the window to the still dark sky. The sun would rise soon and I’d have to open the shop soon.

        I owned a quaint little coffee shop that had become decently known enough to keep the business running. The past few months have been especially busy due to the on-coming cold weather.

        I pulled on a (f/c) coat and wrapped up in my (s/f/c) scarf before heading out the door. The cold wind instantly blew over me. A sigh escaped my lips before I hurried over to the shop.
                                                          ~~~ Time Skip ~~~

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