Loving an Immortal Killer

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🔪Chapter 2🔪
I've been with Michael for 2 months now. He let's me roam his underground bedroom but if he has to leave the house, he chains me. I'm laying on the mattress he keeps me on sleeping. I hear noises & sit up seeing Michael walk in with my bags. "Does the showers here work?" I asked him. He nodded his head meaning yes. "Can I go shower then?" I asked him as he came over & unchained me. I grabbed some clothes & my bathroom supplies. Michael followed me until I shut the bathroom door in his face locking it. I took a hot shower & changed. I blow dried my hair. Once I was done I left the bathroom as Michael grabbed my arm. He let go touching my hair. He let go walking off as I followed him. I sat on the mattress holding my knees cold. Michael stood there watching me trying to figure out why I'm shaking. "I'm cold." I told him. He gave me blanket covering me up. He laid next to me holding me close. "Michael why did you keep me instead of kill me?" I asked him as wrote in his book. I saw & heard what those girls did to you. You remind me of myself. I was hurt by people too. That's why I kept you here alive. Plus I like you. I laid there thinking. "Michael what day is it?" I asked him. He strugged his shoulders playing with my hair. Within minutes I was asleep.

It's Halloween & I convinced Michael to let me go outside. He agreed finally & I went to a store & bought more food & games. I also bought a costume. I bought hair dye. I needed to change my hair color so no one could regonize me. I went back to Michael's house going in from the back. I went to the kitchen & started putting stuff away. After it was put away I was grabbed from behind & pulled to a hard chest seeing the knife. "Michael its me!" I said as he lowered the knife. "It's Luna." I told him as he turned me to face him. He oddly hugged me. 'He's been acting stranged again. Must be Halloween.' I thought. He let go as I went to a bathroom & turned a light on. I redid my hair making it like this:

I turned the light off & went to find Michael

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I turned the light off & went to find Michael. "Michael." I called looking for him. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him as he tilted his head looking at my hair. "I changed it. Unless you want someone to find me." I told him as he touched it. "I'm going out tonight. I know you'll be around. I need some human interaction." I told him as he nodded agreeing. I went & changed into my costume. I came back out & showed Michael:

Michael took the hood off admiring my work

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Michael took the hood off admiring my work. "You like it?" I asked him. He nodded yes putting the hood back up hiding my face. I left the house with Michael as we went diffrent ways. I went to a party as a girl came up to me. "I've never seen you before. I'm Jasmin."  Jasmin said. "I'm new here. I'm homeschooled. Names Luna." I said taking my hood off. "Ok. Well enjoy the party." Jasmin said walking off. I stayed for an hour & left walking in the dark heading to Michael's hosue. "Hey there girl. Wanna go have some fun?" a drunk boy asked me. He had brown eyes & brown hair. His friend had black hair & grey eyes. "No." I told them walking off again. I haven't seen people so I know I'm close to the hosue. "You know Michael Myers lives in this house." They said. "What are your names?" I asked them. "Dan & Steve." Dan said. "Get lost." I told them going to the back. They followed me. "We want some fun" Steve said. "I have a boyfriend" I told them going into Michael's house. Dan tackled me to the gound. "Get off me!" I screamed as Steve laughed. "Where's your boyfriend now?" Dan asked smirking. "Michael Myers!" I screamed as they became silent. They then laughed thinking I was joking. They took my robe off & slapped me. Steve looked up with fear in his eyes. "Dan!" Steve yelled as he too looked up. "Shit! She wasn't lying." Dan said as Michael helped me up. "I told you I had a boyfriend but did you listen no. Now he's pissed off at you." I said as Michael killed them both. He came over to me & checked me for injuries. He saw a bruise on my arm & growled. "I'm fine. Glade u came before they could rape me." I said as he growled again. He took the bodies & went to burn them. I showered & put pjs on. I sat on Michael's mattress waiting for him. After a while he came down & sat me in his lap. "Did you have fun killing?" I ased him as he played with my hair. He handed me his notebook.
As always, yes. Why did you tell those 2 guys I was boyfriend? "It came to mind hoping they'd leave me alone." I said. Would you really want me as a boyfriend? I'm ugly.  "I'll be the judge of that & someday yea. If you want to be my boyfriend." I told him. Then I'm your boyfriend. I've been falling for you for a while now. "So have I. But if I'm going to be your girlfriend, I want to see our face." I told him. He shook his head no. "It's only fair & trust me I don't think youre ugly." I told him. He thought about it & slowly took his mask off. He had long blonde hair & black eyes. I saw a few scars but nothing bad. "Michael. You're far from ugly. I find you to be cute." I told him as I touched his scar near his eye. He pulled my hand away & wrote in his book. You're just saying that. I know I'm ugly. "Michael Myers. Stop calling yourself that! I know people have told you that. I've had my own sister tell me that. You're not ugly at all!" I told him & without thinking, kissed him on the lips. His lips were warm & soft. I pulled back looking away, "I'm sorry." I said blushing. Michael turned my head to look at his face. He kissed me again then hanaded me his book. Don't be sorry. I liked it. Plus you're cute when you blush. I smiled at him as he laid us down with me falling asleep. Through out the year I fixed up Michael's house & got the lights working. I made us dinner when there was a knock on the door. I told Michael to hide. I opened the door to see Nessie. "What do you want?" I asked her. "I heard rumors that you were still alive. I wanted to see if it was true." Nessie said. "Yea. I'm alive." I told her. "Such a shame. I have to tell mom & dad that you're dead." Nessie said & left leaving me shocked. Michael turned the stove off & came over shutting & locking the door. "I'm gunna kill that bitch!" I screamed punching the wall before Michael held me. I heard everything. Let's go see your family. "You want to meet them?" I asked him. He nodded his head yes. "Under one condition. No mask." I told him as he glared but agreed. We both packed our stuff & drove to Forks, Washington. i knocked on the door as Aunt Rose answered it. "Luna!" Rose said hugging me. "Rose this is my boyfriend Michael Myers." I said as she led us upstairs with Michael holding my hand. "Mom Dad." I said as everyone looked at me. "Luna." Edward said hugging me with Bella. "This is my boyfriend Michael Myers. He also saved me from being rape." I told them. "The Michael Myers?" Bella asked shocked. "Welcome to the family Michael." Edward said smiling. "Mom we-" Nessie stopped seeing me. "How?" Nessie asked. "You came to Michael's house hours ago." I said as the phone rang. Esme answered it then came over. "We told Aro about you & he wants to meet you." Esme said. "Ok. I'll bring Michael." I said as he grabbed the bags. Edward & Bella got in the Volvo as Michael & I got in the back. "Luna is Michael humna?" Bella asked. "No. He's immortal." I said as it got quiet. Few hours later we made it to Italy. I saw a huge castle. We all went in seeing a girl about 15 come over. We followed her into a throne room. "Aro." Dad said tense. Aro came over & grabbed my hand making Michael growl. "Michael its ok. He's not hurting me." I told him as he calmed down. "Ah. So This is the Michael Myers. The one who killed his family & can't die. He took you & for almost a year you have been together as a couple. He's your mate." Aro said. "Mate?" I asked him. "It means. Every vampire finds the one he or she will spend eternity with." Marcus said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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