Chapter Four

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"Miss Margaret, Apollo, I'm going out."

Percy called quietly to the people hosting him.

"Oh, Percy, wait!"

Margaret rushed up to him and squeezed him in a hug.

She looked down at him.

"I'm assuming you are going out with your friends. Percy, here."

She handed him a small blue wallet.

"There is some money in there. Please get something to eat with your friends. Be safe, and don't be back later than 6, please. Oh, and if you could, please stop by a store and pick up some eggs and milk."

"Miss Margaret, I can't accept this."

"Percy, please! I want you to have it."

She looked so vulnerable and Percy had no choice but to accept it.


"Bye, cuz."

Apollo ruffled his hair and shooed him out the door, pulling Margaret close by the waist.

"Don't worry, sunshine, my Percy will be fine! Have fun!"


Percy began his walk over to The Place.

The Place was a small hidden lot in the woods that he had been introduced to when The Group took him in.

It wasn't much to the eye, just some land, but once you got past the willow tree obscuring it from view, and walked past the large pine tree that had been named Thalia's tree(since she kept running into it), you would see the remains of a small village.

Small cabins formed an upside down U shape around the land, and sometimes, The Group would come here just to hang out, sometimes to spend the night.

There was a few strawberry plants off to the side that provided them with the most wonderful snacks in the summer.
When you looked up, the blues and whites of the sky blended so perfectly together with the greens and yellows of the trees.

It was Percy's most favorite place in the world.

Getting out of his trance, Percy looked up, and saw that he wasn't that far from The Place now. A five minute walk, 2.5 minute run, at most.

Grinning, he picked up speed, his feet pattering against the ground, heartbeat echoing in his ears as he raced to The Place, excited to see his 'family'.

Shaking his head, he allowed the wind to caress his face and brush his long dark bangs out of his eyes.

Pushing through the bushes and past the trees, he spots the beautiful willow that hid his home.

Running through its draping branches, he didn't stop until his hand brushed the solid trunk of Thalia's Pine Tree.

"I'm home..."

His face hurt from how much he was smiling, but he couldn't help but laugh as he called out the name of the first person he saw.



The blonde head of hair shot up, grin etched on the older boy's face.


Percy ran down the small hill and into Luke's open, waiting, welcoming, and receiving arms, burying his face in Luke's chest.

"Hey, buddy"
Luke whispered, resting his chin on Percy's head.

They stayed that way for a while, Percy enjoying the wonderful embrace of his father-figure.

"You gonna neglect us, now?"

The boys who made the comment immediately regretted it, as a pained look overcame Percy's face, but the boy just stepped out of Luke's arms and into the two other pairs.

"Hey, Travis. Conner."

"Heya, Percy."

The hug didn't last long, as he was soon swept into the arms of another.

He inhaled the intoxicating smell of spices, and grinned, nuzzling against Nico's worn leather jacket.

No words were exchanged, the hug on its own was enough for Percy.

Each person in the group took turns gathering the youngest in their arms, squeezing him and loving him for who he is, who he was, who he will be and who he wants to be.

"Aww, you guys started the hug fest without me!"

Percy's eyes gleamed with joy as he laughed.

He spun around to see the punk-rock girl that had just placed her hand on his shoulder.

Thalia smiled at him and swept him into her arms, spinning him around once.

Laughter bubbled up from within his chest and it was the best feeling in the world. A feeling he could only get when he was with these people.

That's when he noticed the boy.

As Thalia set him down, Percy's eyes were met with the grey t-shirt that covered a broad chest.

He moved his eyes upward, taking in the sight of a broad chest and shoulders, a long neck and the ends of short blonde hair.

He tilted his head upwards slightly, in order to finally take in the person's face.

He was met with familiar, striking blue eyes looking down at him.

"Oh yeah! Guys, this is my little brother. Jason."

It's been a while. I'm sorry I've neglected you. So, my grades have gone down a bit and I'm not really happy about that, but they are As and Bs, so it should be okay.
This story along with all my other stories are not my first priority. They were in the past, but now, I have to focus more on school. Now that I'm on Christmas break I will be able to update some, but I promise that I am trying.
795/5443 words

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