Chapter 8

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Jack: this is going to be awkward but have you and Bree ever...done it?

Chase: nope, though I want to

Jack: I dont blame you for that *laughs*

Chase: we are going to wait til after college or at least when we are married

Jack: well that's smart, you dont want her to get pregnant or anything

Chase: if I get her pregnant before we are married I can't even imagine the how mad her parents would be or think

Jack: you do not want to upset the parents, have you met hers?

Chase: yes, but she hasn't met mine

Jack: you have been dating for over 2 years and she hasnt met your parents, wow, how do they feel about that?

Chase: I dont know, but she's gonna meet them today

Jack: well that's good...did you make a good impression with hers?

Chase: I was nervous but I did, they trust me so I sleep over there sometimes

Jack: wow, in the same bed?

Chase: yeah

Jack: you must have had a really good impression then, how long did it take for them to trust you?

Chase: not very long

Jack: wow, your life must be perfect

Chase: ....i guess it is


Jack: ok you need to help me with the romantic gesture

Chase: ok, you could take her out to a romantic dinner, or give her a gift, think of ideas like of things she likes and you can think of something, but you HAVE to talk to her today

Jack: yeah, I know that, it's the last day of school


Kim: thanks for not only talking about Chase

Bree: why would I only talk about him

Kim: when some girls get a boyfriend, they only talk about them, and just brag

Bree: i've met people like that, there just so annoying, it's like, yeah we get it you have a boyfriend, so what

Kim: exactly! It's not that big a deal

~*time skip*to the end of the school day*~

Jack has got Kim back with the romantic gesture.

Ms. Brooke: well I hope you have had a good last day at Seaford Creek


Kim: its about time

Bree: I know right, the day has been going by so slowly

Kim: im just glad its finally over

Bree: me too, but im still nervous about meeting Chase's parents, its been 2 years, I just dont know what they are going to think of me

Kim: dont worry, you're really nice and sweet. They are going to love you


Bree: ...where is Chase?

Kim: I dont know

Bree: he normally meets me here

Kim: he is probably on his way right now

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