Chapter 17

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Chase: sure, secretly I have been wanting to see it

Bree: oh course you have

Chase: everyone has been talking about it, we might as well go see it

Bree: who hasnt been wanting to see it *laughs*

Chase: we can go to the 3:30 showing or the midnight showing

Bree: ...midnight

Chase: why midnight?

Bree: no reason, just midnight

Chase: you wanna tell me

Bree: naw im good

Chase is about to keep asking but to shut him up Bree kisses him

Bree: so is this a date

Chase: if you want it to be

Bree: then yes, it is a date

Chase: good

Chase: Bree are you ready to go

Bree: yeah *smiles* oh and my dad said that he could drop us off so we dont have to walk

Chase: ok

Mark(Bree's dad): Take care of my daughter Chase, im watching you(not in a creepy way)

Chase: will do *laughs*

Bree: Chase *pulls him back*

Chase: whats wrong?

Bree: Donna is here, look *points to her* what do we do?

Chase: come with me, its a good thing we got here early

Chase: call Kim and ill call Jack

Bree: why, they dont know that we never broke up

Chase: Kim can come with you and Jack can come with me and we can go in at different times so she will never know

Bree/kim (phone call)


hey its Bree

oh hey Bree, are you ok

are you busy tonight, like right now

no im not

I need to talk to you so can you come to the movies, im there right now because I wanted to see Frozen

yeah, im coming right now

Bree: ok shes on her way right now, what about Jack

Chase: hes on his way too

...(with Jack and Kim)

Jack: Kim, what are you doing here

Kim: I could say the same thing, Bree invited me-

Jack: Chase invited me-

Kim: what movie

Jack: Frozen-

Kim: same

Jack: this is weird, wait, what did Bree say

Kim: she said that she wanted to talk to me

Jack: what does this mean about them

Kim: I dont know but I think we are about to find out

Jack: there they are *point to them*

Kim: why are they hiding

Jack: what are you guys doing behind a bush?

Chase: Donna is here

Kim: im confused, why are you guys here together

Bree: we never actually broke up

Chase: we can talk about it during the movie, we just have to get in there without her noticing

Jack: Kim you go in with Bree and me and Chase will go in after

Bree: Kim, ill pretend to be sad and you can pretend to cheer me and stuff

Kim: two tickets to Frozen

Donna: here you go

Bree: wow she didnt even look at us

Kim: better hope Chase is that lucky

Bree: yeah

Bree: did she notice?

Chase: she only noticed Jack and I was pretending to be on the phone turned around, what about you

Bree: she didnt even look up at us

Kim: well now do you guys want to tell us what happened

Chase: well the only way for Donna to leave both of us alone was for us to breakup so we faked it and she believed it

Bree: we had to make sure literally everyone believed it, we didnt tell a single person about it

Chase: we were going to tell you after we moved, but we had to tell you now just in case of tonight

Jack: I love the smell of popcorn

Kim: Jack! *hits his arm*

Bree: hes right, lets just get some and go in before we are late

they have there popcorn and they go in and find some good seats away from the speakers (Chase's super hearing)

Bree: Chase are you ok?

Chase: its just loud

Bree: it'll be ok *puts the arm rest inbetween them up*

Chase: what are you doing?-

Bree: *kisses him for a while* trying to make you feel better

Chase: *puts arms around her* well its working

Bree: this movie is so emotional

Bree: olaf is so funny!

for the rest of the movie Bree keeps having to kiss Chase when it gets too loud

Bree: Chase we should get you out of here before the credits get too loud for you to handle

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