When Theirs Becomes Yours

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"SARAH! GIVE ME MY PHONE BEFORE I STRANGLE YOU!!" I screamed at my roommate in this god forsaken orphanage.

"Oh! Is the little rocker gonna cry if she doesn't see her daily picture of Gefars or whatever his name is?" she retorted

"No, but the little rocker will punch you straight in the jaw if you don't give it back. By the way his name is Gerard you little fu-" I began before I was cut off by Mrs. Sampson clearing her throat.

"Sarah, give Kayde her phone back. Kayde, don't swear. Both if you get ready, we have a couple on their way looking for an 17 year old girl." She said before walking out of the room.

"You're still a rocker punk." Sarah said

"And you're still a fuck." I said before leaving to put on makeup.


I walked into the line and just waited. Waited to get rejected, again. I mean, nobody has wanted me the 6 years I've been here already. So why would someone want me now? I shrug it off and plugged in my headphones, letting my hopes hit something lower than the floor. I messed with the seam of my Mindless Self Indulgence shirt when my ears perked up, having heard the sound of a car door slamming. I put in my headphones and blasted 'Shut Me Up'. A song by one of the best bands ever. I closed my eyes as I heard Mrs. Sampson giving the regular welcome speech.

"Well, this is our line of kids for you to select from. May I suggest a few?" she said. She always suggested Sarah or her crabby as fuck cousin, Carie, or as she prefers, CC.

"No, I think Bandit over here has her eye already set on someone." I heard a female voice say. Bandit?!? There's no way in hell that's them. They won't choose you anyway. I thought. I felt a small tug on my shirt and I opened an eye, seeing a little girl, who looked remarkably like Bandit Lee Way, trying to grab my hand. I opened an eye, focusing on her and only her.

"What are you listening to?" she asked in a small baby voice. I smiled at her cuteness and replied with the sweetest voice I've ever had.

"I'm listening to My Chemical Romance. Have you ever heard of them?" I asked. She nodded her head and opened her mouth.

"I think that's the band daddy's in. I like your shirt. I think that's mommy's shirt band too." she said pointing behind her to her parents. I looked up to see Lynz and Gerard Way, the two people who have kept me on this Earth since I was 11. Holy fuck. Keep calm. Keep calm Kayde. Don't fuck this up for yourself. I said in my head. I gave them a two fingered salute.

"Mommy, she's cool. Can we take her?" The kid asked. Lynz looked at Gerard and nodded.

"Sure baby. She'll be the most perfect sister. I can just feel it." She said. Sarah and Mrs. Sampson had looks of utter horror on their faces. I laughed and just looked at the people that we're taking my existence into thought.

"Well, if you'll just follow me in here. You can sign the papers that will make Kayde an official Way. Kayde, go pack your room." Mrs. Sampson said. Gee waved off Bandit, shooing her to go with me. She grabbed my hand and we walked up the stairs. In a few short minutes, I would be a Way. With my family consisting of: Bandit Lee Way, Lynz Way of Mindless Self Indulgence, and Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. H o l y f u c k!!

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