Dreams and Friends

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"I love you, Kayde Sky Way." He said, giving me a small peck on the lips.

"I love you too, Frank Anthony Iero jr." I said kissing him back.

"Will you be the love of my life?" He asked me

"Only if you'll be the love of mine." kissing him with everything I had. The kiss quickly became heated, bringing me the love I wanted from him. It was full, pure, unadulterated love. The only thing on my mind was how much I longed for him. And he knew it. I felt his hand reach my lower back, slipping to the small if my back. His hand kept us steady as he nipped at my neck.

"Kayde. Wakey wakey." Lynz said, giving me a little nudge on the shoulder.

"Time to get up. You really are a sleeper, it's noon." She laughed taking my hand, dragging me out if bed. I stood slowly. I looked up at Lynz who was giving me innocent eyes,

"I u- I'm- wh- ugh. Nevermind." I stammered, sounding like Andy Biersack trying to order room service first thing in the morning. She took my hand again and slowly led me down the stairs, making sure I wouldn't face plant and break my neck.

"Your fathers out with Bandit, they went to Sonic for food. That's why I woke you up. Cause; food." She stated. I hugged her then trudged back upstairs to brush my birds nest of hair.


After about the fourth attempt of making my electric blue hair stay in the sloppy bun I had put it in, I heard the earthquake if my phone vibrating on the marble countertop.

Emma: Yooooooo. FroYo with Andy and me in 20?

I smiled at my best friends attempt of asking me to hang out.

To Emma: Let me ask Gee when he gets home. I might have to bring missy along.

Emma: Missy?

To Emma: Bandit. You know, only my god damn sister.

Emma: OH! Gotcha.

I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs, only to be greeted by Gee and Bandit holding bags of fast food.

"Oh thank lord! I was starving!" Lynz said, well overplayed.

"Here ya go sissy." Bandit said, handing me curly fries, a chicken burger, and a Coke.

"Thanks dad." I said, stuffing a fry into my mouth. He simply chuckled and nodded.

"Oh yeah, can I go hang out with some of my friends at the yogurt place?" I asked quietly. He gave me a bright smile and gave me an enthusiastic yes. I then took my food and went up the stairs to get dressed.

To Emma: Come get me in 10.

Emma: I need and address dickface.

To Emma: oh yeah.

I said, typing out the address, then stuffing my face with brugery goodness. I finished my fast food, five minutes to spare. I popped on a BVB tank top and plaid shirt, as well as black skinny jeans and combat boots from my suitcase. I did my make up, 3 minutes remaining. I finished my lips when I heard a honk from outside. I grabbed my phone and wallet, I still have that moneyI stole from Sampson back at the orphanage. I waved bye to my parents and hopped in the car.

I was greeted by the familiar strawberry blond hair and black fringe locks of my two best friends Emma White and her boyfriend Andy Biersack.

"Heh girly. I hope you don't mind. We are gonna meet someone there and let me just tell you, he's your type. His name is Aqua. We call him that cause of his hair." She said, turning up the the radio and driving off to the froyo place.

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