merry crankmas

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    Sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas but I wanted to do something festive ✨
                   Your pov
Today was Christmas and our anniversary.
"Babe get up it's Christmas " Ethan yelled as he jumped on the bed excitedly . I peeled my eyes open slowly as he continued to jump on the bed.  As he noticed my eyes open he free fell almost landing on me before he began to kiss every inch of my face.
"Okay I'm up" I giggled as he continued to kiss all over my face. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his trying to make him giving me so many kisses. He pulled away for air before giggling and pulling me up out of the warm bed.

He pulled me down the stairs excitedly making me almost land on my face. When we arrived in the living room it looked the same but a bit smaller because there were so many more presents then there was last night.

An hour later all the presents were opened and everyone was talking about their plans ( you guys live with Mark and Amy and Tyler). Ethan forgot about our anniversary,  he was so excited about Christmas he forgot about our anniversary. He hadn't even said "hey babe we've been together for 3 years happy anniversary " I can't believe him.

"Hey you guys want to record some Christmas challenges? " Mark said smiling putting on an elf hat
"Sure" everyone said together.  As we arrived at the office the boy jumped out first excited to film ( probably not but go with it). 
"Okay so we're going to play a game called change " Mark said before setting up the camera
"What's that? " Tyler asked.
"It's where your given a word and you have to do improv on that word " Mark explained.

"Hello everybody, my name is markiplier,  today we're playing 'change ' it's an improv sort of thing " he tried to explain but failing " the teams are y/n and Ethan, Tyler and Catherine,  and me and Amy " Mark said as we all nodded. Mark and Amy went first.
"Your word is anger" Tyler said from the couch as they both nodded.
"How could you?! " Amy fake cried
"I'm sorry darling I could help but to fuck those melons " he said causing us to laugh
"Change" Tyler said
"I didn't fuck the melons I swear " Mark claimed
"Maybe you didn't but what about that phone call? "
"You heard that?! " he gasped "your so nosy God why can't you leave me alone? " he yelled
"Please don't leave me, I love you" he cried
"I don't believe you! " she yelled before beating on his chest
"Scene " Tyler said getting bored.

Next was me and Ethan,  I was still kind of mad at him for forgetting our 3 year anniversary.
"Your inspiration is love" Tyler said dreamily before I rolled my eyes.
"Y/n I love you so much " Ethan began
"Ethan I love you adorable blue boy" I said putting my hand around his neck
"Y/n , no I love you more "
"Ethan I kn-"he interrupted
"No listen y/n " he began before taking a deep breath " I love you so much and today is the third wonderful year that I have been with you. I would never be here without your support and love and I'm so lucky. " he took another deep breath before getting on one knee " y/n l/n I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me?  I've already got your fathers blessing" he said as tears poured out of my eyes. I couldn't speak through my tears so I nodded violently before hugging him as he picked me up and spinning me around.

"Merry Christmas and happy anniversary my beautiful baby " he said into my hair

Ethan ( crankgameplays)  imagines Where stories live. Discover now