15# Bazooka And Dense

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2/23/19: This story was made years ago, so apologizes for OOCness, errors, and more!



A puff of pink smoke filled the Vongola mansion, the main cause of where the smoke was coming from was the dinning room.

"Damnit.." A beautiful voice cursed, "Fucking Mukuro. Shitty Kyoya..."

The mist and cloud guardians stayed motionless, not daring to say or do anything.

Pacing was heard, "Damn Takeshi too. That piece of shit. Hayato too. Ill kill him later."

The pacing stopped, "No no no, Ill kill them all later. I swear that Lambo-kuns the only one who grew up right."

Once the smoke cleared, a gorgeous brunette appeared, she honestly didn't seem to notice them...

...There was also a little lump on her stomach...

Mukuro raised an eyebrow, Kyoya simply stared, Hayato fumed in anger, muttering something about how he was going to 'kill the bastard who did this', while Takeshi was frowning, not a good sigh.

Reborn was currently out on a mission, Ryohei has gone to visit his sister, and Lambo left right after Tsuna got hit by the bazooka. They were the only ones here at the moment.

Future Tsuna continued to pace, hands clutching her head. "I cant believe they jumped me-" All the guardians choked. "-And now I'm like this! Reborn will kill me!"

She seemed almost hysterical, "No. Don't think like this Tsuna. Reborn will understand..."

She shook her head, a silent wail left her plump lips and she kept her eyes squeezed shut, "Who am I kidding? He'll probably jump me too! Why do they always have to fight over their claim over me?! I'm not property!"

The guardians continued to watch the brunette rant, Both Kyoya and Mukuro have paled dramatically, Takeshi was on the verge of fainting while Hayato was flushing Furiously. (No-He was not imagining himself together with the tenth. He was not imagining himself holding her close as lust started to build up and-)

It wasn't a secret that all the guardians had suddenly started to imagine themselves together with Tsuna.

And they found it very...Exciting.

By the time Future Tsuna left and present Tsuna came back, the guardians were glaring at one another.

Reborn soon enough joined into the mix.

Tsuna remained clueless.

(Somewhere in the future: -"HIEEE!" The brunette screamed as she felt someone sneak into her bed, pinning her down roughly. "W-who's there??"

A sexy smirk made its way onto the figures face, "Oh? It seems you've forgotten me already..."
The figure licked he brunettes earlobe, earning himself a shiver from the woman underneath him.
"Why don't I remind you of who you belong too?"-)


"No way..."

A powerful force stopped Daemons attacks, the hand that seemed to stop everything raised up. A shimmering glow seemed to glow around it.


A single word is all it took to stop everything. The beings that everyone thought were gone...

...It turned out their was one left.



It was from the last person everyone thought it would come from, the one person who seemed too weak to do anything.

"I'm tried of hiding myself.." A tired smile graced the beings face. "I'm tired of being weak. I'm tired of being pushed around..."

Tsuna smiled endlessly, "I am the Sky, I am the mistress of the winds, I am the daughter of Zeus."

Her bangs shadowed her face, she ignored the shocked looks from her friends, "And I am tired of you hurting my family."

She looked up, eyes bright orange.

And she charged.


"You are very dense."

Tsuna slurped up her noddles, turning to face the hitman. "How so?"

The man smirked, putting his chin in his hand. "You don't see what's before you."

Tsuna looked at her ramen, then she looked up at the fedora looking man seriously, "I do see my ramen. And it's delicious."

Reborn growled under his breath. Damn, why did she have to be so damn dense. (No-He was not jealous of that stupid cup of ramen.)

"Or maybe.." The sudden voice shook Reborn out of his thoughts, "You just don't see what the person next to you is trying to do."

Reborns eyes darkened as he turned to face the brunette who was looking at him intensely. "Maybe you don't see how the person next to you has loved you all along."

And with that, Reborn growled and tackled the Brunette.


| Bonus Lemon Scene |

"Oh Reborn!" Tsuna moaned.

"What?" Reborn growled out.

"I need to go to the store to get some lemons!"

The hitman sighed, throwing his fedora off. "Shut up Tsuna. You're about to get some lemons."

Tsuna blinked in surprise, "Wha-?"

Reborn threw a lemon at her, nailing the brunette in the head. "I guess you need more training. I even warned you before hand. Pity."

The whole town swore they could hear the wails of a certain Tuna fish.


And done!

I'm sure I pissed some of you off with the 'Lemon' part huh.


Well this is the last chapter of KHR Crack sadly. It had to come to an end eventually. And here It is.

I would like to thank all of you for reading this and hopefully somewhat enjoying this!

Check out some of my other stories if you want something else to do XD

- Meopize <3

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