"Hey, how are you?"After several years, there's a message from you.
"I'm fine, and you?"
"I'm good too"
I'm starting to panic,
Thinking of another possible topic.
I don't want this conversation to end.
Cause i've missed you in ways i can't comprehend.
There are many questions running on my mind,
My emotions are getting way out of hand.
But then, after being excited and all,
You'll just vanish like a ghost through a wall.
Why are you always being so unfair?!
Sudden disappearing in the thin air.
you're the one who approached me first,
So why leave me after giving a thirst?
You know, you can't just visit my mending heart,
Smash it again and tear it apart.
It doesn't work that way, darling!
Please be sensitive to what i'm feeling.
I'm in the process of moving on and i'm still hurting.
And you visiting is not helping,
All of this because i know you're not staying.