Larry Stylinson one shot

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Harry sauntered downstairs to the smell of bacon sizzling on the stove.

"Morning sweetie, are you excited for today?" his mum, Anne, asked.

"Yeah, I really can't wait," Harry replied. Today was the day he was finally going to see The Script in concert. He's had these tickets for weeks and it's all he and his friends could think about. He was shocked the day had approached so soon. He spent almost an hour trying to pick something out to wear, which wasn't like him. However, once he'd settled on an outfit and gotten ready, he ran downstairs to tell his mum they needed to leave right away.

Anne was happy Harry was getting out of the house, not because he was anti-social or anything, he just had a knack of only hanging out with the same 3 friends and never giving anyone else a chance. Of course even though he was going to the concert with one of his usual friends, at least he was going to be surrounded by other people he'd have to talk with.

They swung by and picked Harry's friend up and headed to the concert. They spent most of the ride just talking about their favorite songs and listening to The Script, of course. As they got closer and closer to the venue, Harry found himself with more and more butterflies in his stomach.

They walked in and found their seats together and even made friends with the guys they were sitting next to, regardless of the fact they were a little older than they were. They were really nice and huge fans so they were really easy to talk to. Harry was thankful he wasn't too uncomfortable. Although, the butterflies in his stomach were getting worse so he excused himself to the bathroom mainly to splash water on his face. He had no idea where this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach was coming from.

He was standing in front of the sink, his face was damp and his hair was a mess. He sighed out loud because he had no idea what was going on with him. He started trying to tame the curls on his head, partly in attempt to look better and partly in attempt to distract himself from his nerves and excitement.


Louis walked into the venue and it was already filled. He and his friend went and found their seats and he immediately excused himself to the bathroom. He had way too much to drink on the way to the concert and he felt like he was going to burst. He followed the signs pointing towards restroom and finally found it. He opened the door and there was one man using the urinal in the corner and one boy admiring his curls in the mirror. He found himself admiring the boy's curls as well. As he walked over to put his drink down, he got so caught up in the boy stood in front of him that he wasn't paying attention to where he was placing his drink. He clumsily put it on the edge of the sink and it fell over, covering one of Harry's hands. Shit. Shit shit shit.

"Oops! I'm so sorry I..." Louis muttered out. He didn't know what to do. He went to get a wet paper towel to dry him off. He started rambling while drying the boy's hand off.

"I'm sorry, honestly, I should have been paying attention, I'm so ashamed, I'm sorry." Everything in Harry was frozen. He wasn't really sure what was going on but he knew his world was somewhat flipped upside down at that moment. He didn't care this stranger's drink was all over his hand, he didn't care his favourite band was probably going on stage in a few minutes, he didn't care he'd most likely left his friend alone for far too long. What he did care about was the heat radiating from where his hand touched the other boy's.

"Hi," was all Harry could muster. The butterflies in his stomach had gotten much stronger than they were before. Everything felt a little fuzzy now.

Everything was blurry except for the boy standing in front of him, who shut up as soon as he spoke. Now they found themselves looking into each other's eyes. Harry made note of how blue Louis' eyes were, how bright they were, almost like they were shining. Beautiful, he dared to think. Louis made himself a note of how green Harry's were, he decided they're more captivating, more worthy of admiration than his curls. They couldn't look away even if they wanted to. It was like an unspoken force was holding their eyes together. Harry's hand was still in Louis' but Louis wasn't wiping him off anymore, just holding on. At that point Harry realised he was the cause of the awkward moment and he pulled away to wash his hands.

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