Episode 3

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(A/N):Okay I hope you like this Video and also the song down there for some that read it when I barely wrote the story if you can remember I put the video in the first episode when it had to be this episode lol sorry and hope you like the story.

"First off  love Agape." Said Viktor As He staked.

Your eyes sparkled.

"Agape unconditional love,like gods or appearance, infinite, self-sacrificing."

Viktor finished. "Something like that! What you think?"

"Yea no problem." Said Rin rolling her eyes. While you no the other hand just chuckled nervously.

"Wow! Amazing." Clapped your friend Ericka.

"Hey who said this bitch could watch?" Asked Rin pissed.

"This is Ericka my friend and one of the staff of the ice rink." You smiled.

"Whatever." Said Rin.

"Oh! I'm sorry." Bowed Ericka.

You shook your head."It's fine." You smiled.

"Well I'll go back to work." Said Ericka leaving.

"No!stay." You said.

"Okay." Smiled Ericka

"This ones for you (Y/N) so listen up." Said Viktor starting the music.

You nodded and just watched and listened. " Okay."

"I can't believe Viktor wrote this just for me." You blushed grabbing your cheeks.

"This is on love:eros." Said Viktor. (THINKS IT'S SPELLED LIKE THAT LOL)

(Your watching Vicktor duh)

'what the hell!I can't stake like that!'You thought

"Well?What do you think." Asked Viktor.


"Right?well what quads can you land?" Asked Viktor.

"Well, I can do the toe loop and...I can land the Salchow in practice I don't know if i can land it in a competition..."You said"But if I try I'm sure i'll nail it!" You said smiling.

"Okay you can pratice the basics." Said Viktor.

"Alright." You smiled.

"I'll teach Rin first." Smiled Viktor

"Eh?" You said confused.

"I won't teach you anything you don't know...For now just make sure you pratice and well go from there.How many times have you messed up trying something new?" Asked Viktor.

"It's because..." You paused

"I guess i lack confidence." You said softly look at the ground.

"And my job is to make you feel confident in yourself." Said Viktor.

Vicktor got closer and you looked up at him.He pulled your chin up and touched your bottom lip with his thumb.Your eyes widden.

"No one in the world knows your ture eros,(Y/N)..." He whispered softly."But can you show me what it is soon?"

"Hey!Viktor you're teaching my first not her!" Yelled Rin.

"I didn't forget,Rin." Smiled Viktor.

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